March 16, 2025
A new chapter begins! Bit smaller of an update than I would've liked, and it's a bit late, but things came up.
--Cody Baier

February 15, 2025
And with that, another chapter comes to a close! We'll be taking a three week break as we usually do between chapters. Next one's gonna be a doozy!
--Cody Baier

February 1, 2025
Hey everyone! Big update this time! Several pages all at once ready for your reading pleasure!
--Cody Baier

January 22, 2025
Sorry for the late update, everyone. Just finished moving to a new house.
--Cody Baier

December 31, 2024
We did it, boys! 600 pages!
--Cody Baier

December 9, 2024
We're about to meet the king of crime, boys, buckle up...
--Cody Baier

November 22, 2024
--Cody Baier

November 10, 2024
Ewnay Oudscratcherclay! Joyenay!
--Cody Baier

November 2, 2024
이 장면의 사건들이 다시 떠오를 것만 같은 느낌이 듭니다.
--Cody Baier

October 19, 2024
Nina v tom možná jela pro peníze, ale udělala víc dobrého, než si uvědomovala...!
--Cody Baier

October 5, 2024
Asioille on olemassa julkinen syy ja asioiden todellinen syy.
--Cody Baier

September 22, 2024
[Kaliko disliked that.]
--Cody Baier

September 10, 2024
Hey everyone! Didn't think I'd get this done, but here it is!
--Cody Baier

August 25, 2024
--Cody Baier

August 11, 2024
Magst du Skorpione?
--Cody Baier

July 28, 2024
Sorry this one's late, y'all, I forgot to finish it before I had to leave out of town. We'll be back with more soon, and another update message in a foreign language!
--Cody Baier

July 7, 2024
Cloudscratcher est là, et c'est encore meilleur que du fromage sur une baguette!
--Cody Baier

June 23, 2024
Dat is een nieuwe Cloudscratcher pagina voor jou, Alan. Ik wil dat jij hem krijgt.
--Cody Baier

June 9, 2024
클라우드스크래처를 읽지 않으면 노란 메달의 저주가 내려질 것입니다!
--Cody Baier

May 28, 2024
Leggete Cloudscratcher, o i vostri spaghetti si spezzeranno a metà.
--Cody Baier

May 13, 2024
Появился новый Cloudscratcher. Прочтите его, иначе вас постигнет великое несчастье.
--Cody Baier

April 27, 2024
Hey all! fresh new page, fresh new scene, fresh new style for Jericho. Check it out!
--Cody Baier

April 14, 2024
I think she might be a little jealous, guys, what do you think?
--Cody Baier

March 31, 2024
Fun fact: the dumb little joke in this week's update is one of the earliest bits I ever wrote for this comic!
--Cody Baier

March 24, 2024
The identity of the lady in the car is revealed, and it looks like things are going to get complicated...
--Cody Baier

March 17, 2024
The bikers are beaten, but it looks like things are about to take a turn...
--Cody Baier

March 9, 2024
RIP Akira Toriyama. My oldest inspiration.
--Cody Baier

February 25, 2024
What's tougher; a giant biker wielding an enormous anchor or a 13-year-old girl? You might be surprised...
--Cody Baier

February 18, 2024
I'm actually super happy with how this one turned out. Enjoy, y'all!
--Cody Baier

February 12, 2024
Sorry the update's late again, work's been messing with my schedule. We should be back to normal next weekend!
--Cody Baier

February 5, 2024
Sorry for the delay everyone, I forgot to send my pencils in to get colored, thinking I already did!
--Cody Baier

January 28, 2024
Sorry for the delays, evereyone. Some personal issues came up, but a new Cloudscratcher is here!
--Cody Baier

January 7, 2024
This week's update almost didn't make it, but never fear! Cloudscratcher is here!
--Cody Baier

December 31, 2023
Howdy all! Happy New Year, and enjoy the new update!
--Cody Baier

December 17, 2023
Hmmm, whoever's in that limo must be pretty important...
--Cody Baier

December 4, 2023
Howdy all you fine people! A new Cloudscratcher is here! No update next week, but if you're a patron, you will be getting some non-Cloudscratcher goodies this week!
--Cody Baier

November 26, 2023
Bet you didn't think THEY were gonna show up this Episode, did you...?
--Cody Baier

November 18, 2023
That one My Chemical Romance song might be resonating pretty hard with our dear old captain in this week's update!
--Cody Baier

November 12, 2023
Sorry for the wait, but we back, y'all!
--Cody Baier

October 21, 2023
Hey all! New update is here. My schedule has been a little messy, hence missing last week, and next week might be a miss too (though Patrons will get some sneak peeks to make up for it), so thank you so much for your patience.
--Cody Baier

October 9, 2023
Howdy everyone! Not much to say beyond "here's an update," so here's an update!
--Cody Baier

September 30, 2023
Howdy all! New update is here! Trying to set up a better buffer window, so sorry for the week off.
--Cody Baier

September 16, 2023
Howdy all! Sorry I had to skip last week, had a funeral I had to attend spring up on me last minute. But, new update is here for you! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

September 3, 2023
In this week's update, it's time to formally meet Cloudscratcher's biggest of big bads...
--Cody Baier

August 27, 2023
We are back on track y'all! And much love to the new inker/colorist I've brought on board, Pedro Hernandez! He's done excellent work so far, and should really help things move along, especially as I've begun a secondary project, as well!
--Cody Baier

July 22, 2023
Sorry for the late update this week, I injured my drawing hand, and working on the update with the injury just amde it worse/heal slower. But, here we go! New Cloudscratcher!
--Cody Baier

July 9, 2023
Howdy folks! New Cloudscratcher for y'all, AND we've added a couple more character profiles as well! Check 'em out!
--Cody Baier

June 26, 2023
It's an all-new update, and the return of a fan favorite!
--Cody Baier

June 18, 2023
Howdy everyone! New Cloudscratcher update is here! Not much else to add for now, but just you wait and see who makes their return appearance in the next update!
--Cody Baier

June 7, 2023
Sorry for the wait, caught myself a nasty cold, but we're all good now and it's time to bust my behind getting back on schedule!
--Cody Baier

May 22, 2023
And here we are, the first true page of Chapter 16! After doing a poll between folks on twitter, and my patrons, the decision was made to drop the CRT TV aesthetic. So we're returning to more "HD" pages!
--Cody Baier

May 13, 2023
The time has come, ladies and gentlemen! With this title page, Chapter 16, and Episode 5, have officially begun!
--Cody Baier

April 17, 2023
It is with great joy that I bring you THE FINAL UPDATE OF EPISODE 4! This story arc has played out for multiple real-world years and it feels so good to finally tie a bow on it. As you may remember, I tend to take a few weeks off between chapters to get to work on the next one. Usually it's three weeks, this time I'll be taking a full month. Why? 2 main reasons. First, I want to avoid some of the hiccups that came along in Episode 4 by being better prepared. Secondly, I'll be on vacation for a week and I don't want that to hurt my schedule. Also, I have an editor now, so I want to give them time to go over the script.
For patrons, don't worry; you'll all be getting very early access to everything I'm working on. That includes the non-Cloudscratcher drawings I want to do now that I'll finally have some time.
Thanks to everyone who's stuck with the comic all these years, and hello to all the new readers who recently jumped on board! Can't wait to begin the next big storyline with all of you!
--Cody Baier

April 7, 2023
Sorry for the delay, I grossly overestimated how quickly I could get this page done in the time I had, but here it is! No update this weekend, but the conclusion to Episode 4 drops the following weekend!
--Cody Baier

March 20, 2023
I'll be taking my monthly trip out of town this week, so no update next weekend. But after that, we enter the final stretch of Episode 4! Are you excited? Because I'm excited!
--Cody Baier

March 12, 2023
Howdy y'all! Just a couple pages left, let's go!
--Cody Baier

March 5, 2023
With this week's update, we inch ever closer to the finale of Episode 4. I'll admit, I'm very excited!
--Cody Baier

February 27, 2023
Nothing much to add this update except I'm slowly inching back onto my normal schedule!
--Cody Baier

February 20, 2023
Next page is here, as we inch closer and closer to the ending of Episode 4!
--Cody Baier

February 4, 2023
Hey all! Sorry for the delays, and we'll likely have one last one as I'll be out of town next weekend. After that, we should be good!
--Cody Baier

January 23, 2023
Sorry for the extended delay, everyone. That bronchitis really did a number on me, but I'm back in the saddle, and updates will resume as normal!
--Cody Baier

December 31, 2022
Hi everyone, in case you haven't been following me on social media, I've been quite sick recently. I'm not 100% confident there'll be an update next week, as this one was a struggle itself to get finished, but here you go! Now I'm gonna go lie down...
--Cody Baier

December 11, 2022
Howdy y'all! New update, nothing else to say except to snag your copy of Cloudscratcher Volume 1 now if you haven't already, while it's still 33% off!
--Cody Baier

December 3, 2022
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, Holidays will due that to you. Trying to get as much done before Christmas causes another delay!
--Cody Baier

November 20, 2022
Howdy folks! Schedule should be back on track, here's hoping Thanksgiving doesn't mess up my update schedule any further. Enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

November 8, 2022
Hey everyone! Sorry I'm late, this page took a lot longer than I had planned for, which in hindsight seems dumb considering all the tiny little details...
--Cody Baier

October 24, 2022
Howdy all! Sorry this one's a bit late, the day job's been putting me through the ringer, but the update's here! No update next week, though, as I'll be out of town. But after that? Brace yourselves for a debut I've been waiting YEARS for!
--Cody Baier

October 15, 2022
Hi everyone! Sorry for the delay. For those not keeping up with my twitter, I got myself injured. Sprained ankle. Couldn't really draw (or sit at my work station for that matter), but the update is finally done and I never wanna see this page again...
--Cody Baier

September 25, 2022
Brand new update for y'all! Getting closer and closer to finally ending Episode 4!
--Cody Baier

September 19, 2022
Howdy folks! New update's a bit late because I'm a bit of a goober and forgot to send it. Sorry for the delay!
--Cody Baier

September 11, 2022
Hi everyone, sorry I was an idiot and forgot to send last week's update to the site, so this week you get last week's, as well as this week's! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

August 21, 2022
Howdy everyone! We got a new page for you, once again! And, of course, be sure to check out that link to the right and get yourself a copy of Cloudscratcher Volume 1 to add to your collection!
--Cody Baier

August 14, 2022
It's a whole new update just for you! Bet you never thought you'd see the interior of the Cloudscratcher again, huh?
--Cody Baier

August 9, 2022
OKAY! We are BACK! Not happy about that delay, or the reason for it, but there IS a new update, finally!
--Cody Baier

July 4, 2022
Howdy all! New update is here for ya! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

June 27, 2022
Almost forgot the send this one to the site! Don't mind me, I'm dumb, here's the next update!
--Cody Baier

June 21, 2022
Howdy everyone! Bit of a hiccup in production, hence why there was no update last week, but we're back on track with a new page! Also, got a new piece of fanart in the gallery, as well!
--Cody Baier

June 5, 2022
Squeaking in at the last minute to bring you a new update! Enjoy, folks!
--Cody Baier

May 22, 2022
New page is here, everyone! Also, on the IGG front, everything should be sent out to backers soon! I finished all the signed sketches, and signing everything else I need to, and sent them back to the publisher! That means, of course, they should be headed your way soon!
--Cody Baier

May 15, 2022
Sorry for the delay, everyone! Back to business!
--Cody Baier

April 23, 2022
Howdy all! Brand new page for y'all! There's a 50/50 chance the next page might be delayed, hoping that won't be the case. But, a heads up just in case it does!
--Cody Baier

April 18, 2022
Hello everyone! Brand new page comin' atcha!
--Cody Baier

April 8, 2022
Howdy all! My internal schedule got out of whack from all the IGG stuff, so I missed my own update day, but the new page is here! Sorry about that!
--Cody Baier

March 26, 2022
Aaaaand we're back! Thanks for your patience everyone, a new page is here! The look of the comic has been updated once more, and I have a new artist friend, Extendedfreezer, helping me color the backgrounds to make them more painted-looking!
While I usually don't say stuff like this, if you like the comic, consider donating to the Patreon. Specifically so I can pay Freezer more to produce more pages! This ain't me begging for money so I can buy video games or some such junk; more money in the Patreon means I can make more pages at a faster rate, and update with multiple pages a week!
--Cody Baier

February 26, 2022
ATTENTION EVERYONE: Cloudscratcher updates will return MARCH 26!
--Cody Baier

January 11, 2022
Hello everyone! It's come to my attention many of you haven't been following the Cloudscratcher social media profiles, or Patreon, so I'll update you here: the comic is currently on hiatus while I work on Volume 1. You'll be happy to know the book itself has been completely finished, and now all that remains is to finish the backer rewards (sticker sheets, bookmarks, and so on)!
--Cody Baier

October 11, 2021
Howdy-ho, all! New page for you, everyone! No new page next week, gonna focus on working on the book (which has been SUCCESSFULLY FUNDED by the way! Thank you all!) so next week is gonna be spent working on that. If you want a copy, click the banner above and reserve your copy now, while we're still on inDemand! Once we start printing, orders are closed. Since we're funded, you're guaranteed a copy, now, so don't wait! Act now!
--Cody Baier

September 20, 2021
Hey all! New Cloudscratcher this week! Might need to skip next week, but I'm working on setting something up so we can finally return to multiple pages a week again!
--Cody Baier

September 13, 2021
Hey everyone! I know the update schedule has been massively screwy as of late, but hopefully we should be back to normal now. New Cloudscratcher is here!
--Cody Baier

August 27, 2021
Hey everyone! Not only is there a brand new update to the comic, but perhaps you've noticed that banner above this here blog post? That's right, the Cloudscratcher IndieGogo campaign is live! Not only will you be helping to fund a proper Volume 1, but you might even get some awesome swag, as well! Go check it out!
--Cody Baier

August 14, 2021
Apologies for the wait everyone, your new update is here!
--Cody Baier

July 12, 2021
Sorry for the late update y'all! Page is here! We'll be skipping another week on updates for the BIG AWESOME PROJECT, which I know might be annoying now, but when you guys see it you're gonna FLIP, trust me...!
--Cody Baier
July 27, 2021
Hey everyone! After this update I'll be taking one last week off for the IndieGogo campaign. Volume 1 launches NEXT WEEK, so I gotta spend the week getting all the final touches ready for launch!
Also a little disappointed some of the waterfall detailing got lost in the VHS-ification process... Oh well...
--Cody Baier

July 12, 2021
Sorry for the late update y'all! Page is here! We'll be skipping another week on updates for the BIG AWESOME PROJECT, which I know might be annoying now, but when you guys see it you're gonna FLIP, trust me...!
--Cody Baier

June 28, 2021
Hey everyone! New page, and a fancy new site layout! We're currently working out some kinks in the design, so at the moment uBlock [or any Ad Blocker] will block all the stuff to the right. Feel free to whitelist the site, there's no ads on here. As for the actual update, I've been waiting YEARS to draw this scene, so this was a treat!
Heads up that there won't be a page next week, as I'll be spending the week working on a super-secret amazing project for the upcoming Cloudscratcher crowdfunding campaign. I can't talk about it, but I can say it's gonna be amazing and you guys are gonna flip when you see it!
--Cody Baier

June 13, 2021
Hey all! Hate to leave on a cliffhanger, but I'll be out of town next week, so there won't be an update. All my Cloudscratcherin' time will be spent working on stuff for the crowdfunding campaign!
--Cody Baier

June 5, 2021
Hey everyone! New update is here! Nothing much else to say, enjoy!
--Cody Baier

May 30, 2021
Hey everyone, sorry about all the sick days I've had to take recently, but here's the update!
--Cody Baier

May 17, 2021
Hey everyone, sorry for the late update; I ended up with a nasty sinus infection much of last week that set me back in a big way. But enough about that, aside from the new content, we got big news! Cloudscratcher will be launching a crowdfunding campaign for a proper print edition of Volume 1 from Vivid Publishing! We'll be adding all manner of bells and whistles to the site in the coming weeks to further promote this, but in the meantime if you want to stay up to date on the campaign and what's to come, sign up for the newsletter you may have notice is now linked on this very page. Also be sure to follow my twitter (@Baierworks) to stay up-to-date on Volume 1-related news. This does mean that we'll be removing the link to the IndyPlanet book, though. But hey, this new release will be bigger and better than that one! Be sure to stay tuned, we got a ton of awesome stuff coming down the pike!
--Cody Baier

May 5, 2021
Sorry we're a bit late, folks, we're currently in the process of doing some renovations to prepare for something pretty major! Stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

April 18, 2021
New Cloudscratcher, y'all! No new page next week, I'll be out of town. Schedule should be back on track next week!
--Cody Baier

April 5, 2021
Yo all! We skipped a day for Easter, but the week's update is here, now!
--Cody Baier

March 28, 2021
Howdy all! Not much else to say, just a new page for ya! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

March 20, 2021
Howdy all! No other news for today, just a brand spanking new Cloudscratcher for everyone!
--Cody Baier

March 13, 2021
Hey everyone! New page is here, with a new look! Since we've passed 500 pages, I think now's a good time to unveil the new aesthetic I've been planning for awhile. Something to make the comic look more like an authentic 90's cartoon. Hope you like it!
--Cody Baier

February 28, 2021
New Cloudscratcher is here! Sorry for all the delays everyone, there'll be one more week off this coming weekend, then we're back to a normal schedule. That winter storm we had made my day job an absolute nightmare, not to mention some complications at home, which completely wrecked my comic schedule. Things should be back to normal after this weekend!
--Cody Baier

February 17, 2021
Howdy everyone! Apologies for the late update, I didn't realize this page contained some major continuity errors until halfway through making it, and I had to fix it. So much for resetting my production schedule back to normal! No update this coming weekend as I'll be out of town, so stay warm, and enjoy today's update! Also, if you haven't already, go check out Cloudscratcher on Cryptocomics, where you can get chapters with full audio commentary from yours truly!
--Cody Baier

February 6, 2021
Sorry for the skipped week, everyone, but my production schedule is back to normal and we're good to go!
--Cody Baier

January 25, 2021
Sorry this one's a bit late, folks, but I've been a busy boy! First thing's first, Cloudscratcher will be joining Cryptocomics, where you can purchase Cloudscratcher chapters with full audio commentary from yours truly on every page! Chapter 1 has been added for now, but each chapter will be added as time goes on, with audio commentary for each and every one of them! And it goes without saying, the first four chapters will have the remastered artwork found in Volume 1. Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

January 9, 2021
Hey everyone, merry belated Christmas! Almost didn't have this update done in time due to festivities and a sinus infection, but here it is!
--Cody Baier