December 27, 2020
Hey everyone, merry belated Christmas! Almost didn't have this update done in time due to festivities and a sinus infection, but here it is!
--Cody Baier

December 20, 2020
'Ey! New Cloudscratcher for y'all! Not much else to say, so enjoy!
--Cody Baier

December 13, 2020
Hey folks! Thanks to everyone who showed their support by buying a Cloudscratcher wall scroll at Couchcon! We'll hopefully be adding the wall scroll to the merch store on a more permanent basis. Maybe a shirt with the artwork on it. We'll see! Until then, enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

November 29, 2020
New Cloudscratcher update is here! No update next week, as I'll be working on pieces to sell at Couchcon, this week. Stay tuned to the Baierworks twitter for links and details!
--Cody Baier

November 21, 2020
What it is, fellow Cloudscratchers?! Got a brand new update for you, ON TIME no less!
--Cody Baier

November 15, 2020
Hey all! Brand new Cloudscratcher update for you! And stay tuned to the official twitter account, as shortly after this update I'll be linking to an interview I recently did with Bago Games!
--Cody Baier

November 1, 2020
'Ey all! Schedule's getting a little back on track! New page is here!
--Cody Baier

October 26, 2020
Yo homies! Fresh new update for ya! Schedule's still all screwed up, but I have more time off this week, so hopefully it should move a little bit back toward normal next update.
--Cody Baier

October 19, 2020
The struggle against Borzax continues in this week's update. Could things finally turn around for the good guys?!
--Cody Baier

October 11, 2020
Hello everyone! Running a li'l late, but here's the brand new update!
--Cody Baier

October 4, 2020
Hey everyone! Work got my schedule a bit FUBAR'd, so this one's a bit late, but it's here!
--Cody Baier

September 27, 2020
Aaaaaaand we're back! Thanks for your patience everyone, and I hope at least some folks noticed all the fixed-up pages! I didn't fix EVERY page I wanted to, but hopefully one day I'll get those stragglers. In the meantime, not only are new pages coming once again, but we've got another big announcement!
Cloudscratcher has officially been picked up by Vivid Publishing!
Expect more news in the future as we work toward putting out a proper Volume 1 (in the meantime, snag the current one while you can). Until then, enjoy the shiny new logo!
--Cody Baier

July 11, 2020
And here we finally reach the end of Chapter 14 with this week's update! With that, I have an announcement; in lieu of the normal 3-week post-chapter hiatus, Cloudscratcher will be taking two months off. I, however, will not be taking two months off from Cloudscratcher. Instead, I'll finally be taking the chance to do something I've been wanting to do for a long, long time: fixing the comic. There are several pages with errors on them (mostly due to hectic things going on in my life at the time), and lines of dialogue written at 3 in the morning that I desperately need to fix and improve. Also two pages I just want to re-do completely. So Cloudscratcher is gonna be taking some time off for repairs. I will be keeping Cloudscratcher patrons up to date each week on what's been fixed, and when these two months are up we can finally begin the epic conclusion to Episode 4!
--Cody Baier

July 7, 2020
Holy CRAP, sorry folks! Completely botched my schedule this week! But stay tuned; we got one more page to go for Chapter 14!
--Cody Baier

June 29, 2020
'Ey everybody! Brand new Cloudscratcher for ya! Also the twitter's been reworked for those who haven't noticed; I've expanded it to include my other comic projects, and general artwork posting!
--Cody Baier

June 14, 2020
Hey everyone! Got a new page for y'all! I'll be out of town all week, so there won't be an update next week, but afterward there's just a couple pages left in the chapter, followed by a major project for Cloudscratcher! What is it? Find out in a couple weeks!
--Cody Baier

June 6, 2020
Howdy-ho neighbors! New Cloudscratcher here! There were supposed to be more pages in this update, but that sinus infection was worse than I initially thought. Still, got something here for ya, and we're almost finished with this chapter!
--Cody Baier

May 24, 2020
Howdy-doody! We got some funky-fresh new pages for you guys!
--Cody Baier

May 11, 2020
Sorry for the delay, I'm still practicing and improving my coloring. Always thankful for you guys and your patience!
--Cody Baier

May 5, 2020
Aaaaand we're back! Folks, you have no idea how long I've been waiting to get to these next few pages...! Strap yourselves in, things are gonna get real fun real fast!
--Cody Baier

April 18, 2020
'Ey everyone! New content! WHOO! We'll be taking one more week off next week as I'll be spending time with my girlfriend for her birthday. Should be the last week off for while (at least I'm hoping). Although I am aware this is a rough page to leave on...
--Cody Baier

April 13, 2020
Hey all! Thanks for your patience, we got a brand new update for you! Working essential ain't easy during a pandemic, so I appreciate all you folks who've stuck around.
--Cody Baier

March 28, 2020
Thanks for your patience, folks! Here's your fresh new Cloudscratcher update!
--Cody Baier

March 16, 2020
It's a brand new day, and a brand new Cloudscratcher! Got some other plans for the comic as well, but I don't wanna jynx anything, so I'll keep it close to my chest for now. But stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

March 7, 2020
Hey all! Got a fresh new page for y'all! Not much else to say right now, hope you enjoy!
--Cody Baier

February 29, 2020
Sorry for the late update, I'm still trying to figure out a stable schedule. I'm still getting used to how long each step in the process takes now that my work methods have changed so drastically.
[Kevin's Note: This update was meant to be posted on Tuesday, but was delayed to downed Internet, sorry everyone!]
--Cody Baier

February 15, 2020
Hey everyone! Had to delay a week, but this should put my schedule back to normal (hopefully). Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the brand new update!
--Cody Baier

February 2, 2020
Brand new Cloudscratcher for you fine folks! Still working on getting my schedule back to normal.
--Cody Baier

January 27, 2020
It's so good to be updating again, it's a brand new Cloudscratcher! I've had this particular page in my mind for several years, and it was so cathartic to finally put pencil to paper and actually draw it.
--Cody Baier

January 20, 2020
Hello all, we are finally, finally, FINALLY back! Why were we gone so long? That's a story too long to tell in an update post, so go check out the Cloudscratcher tumblr for the full, harrowing story of all the crap that happened to me over the past month or so.
--Cody Baier

December 2, 2019
Hey everyone! Two new pages for you to enjoy! Also, some housekeeping: first of all, ImpStory sadly wasn't able to meet its goal, but it did make for a good learning experience in crowdfunding. So, next, I'll be shifting focus toward the Cloudscratcher video game, and volume 2 release. I'll also be working on another comic pitch (using what I learned from the ImpStory campaing; and don't worry, ImpStory WILL return), so stay tuned to Cloudscratcher's social media presence for some WIPs! I'll also be updating the twitter and Patreon accounts to encompass not just Cloudscratcher, but all my projects as a whole. Finally, there won't be an update next week as I begin working on some of these things, but following that we should be back on schedule!
--Cody Baier

November 17, 2019
Hey everyone! New page, here! Not much else to say, except you should check out the ImpStory Indiegogo in the link above, and thanks for reading!
--Cody Baier

November 11, 2019
New page for you guys! I've gotten quite a bit done lately, but I've decided to divvy up the pages a bit differently, so there'll be a couple more single page updates for a bit. Partially because I have something coming up this weekend, which would lead to a one page update, and if this week was two pages, it would leave off on a page I do NOT want to leave off on. So one page this week and next, two pages the following update, and that ends the scene with Felix, Ixia, and Borzax!
--Cody Baier

October 27, 2019
Howdy-ho, neighbors! Brand new Cloudscratcher for ya! Nice to be back on a stable schedule...
--Cody Baier

October 20, 2019
And we're back! Thanks for your patience, things got a little screwy, but we're back! The fight against Borzax takes a turn this week, plus we got some more news! My big IndieGogo project has finally launched! It's a graphic novel called ImpStory, and I think you guys are really gonna like it. Click the image above the updates here to go to the campaign page, and if you like it, toss a couple bucks into the fund!
--Cody Baier

September 23, 2019
Hey everyone! Update's finally here! Won't be one next week, though, as I'll finally be getting started on the IndieGogo project I've been talking about! Hopefully the next time I post an update, it'll include an official announcement of its launch!
--Cody Baier

September 17, 2019
Whaddap peeples! Here's the update I had sitting on the backburner for you guys, so this should hopefully get the schedule back to normal. Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

September 8, 2019
Hey everyone! For those who've been following the Cloudscratcher twitter, you may remember I said this was originally going to be a two page update, but looking at my insane work schedule next week, I decided to hold off on the second page so I have something to post on update day. I don't see myself having much free time next week to work on the comic. I'm hoping this will help normalize my update schedule a bit. I know this has been a sort of dark age lately with trickling one-page updates, but I've had a ton of work on my plate lately and not as much time to work on Cloudscratcher as I used to. I absolutely plan on continuing, though. I love these characters and their story too much. Even if I have to eke out updates on precious little free time, I'll keep going! Eventually we'll get through this, and multi-page updates will resume!
--Cody Baier

August 24, 2019
Oh! Hey! Didn't see you there! Welcome! We've got a fresh new Cloudscratcher update ready for your reading eyes. It seems like things are really getting interesting, so I hope you enjoy.
--Cody Baier

August 10, 2019
After a tumultuous week of very little progress, the next Cloudscratcher update is FINALLY here, as we begin with THE scene. The big one.
--Cody Baier

July 29, 2019
Aaaand here's the second page! Now brace yourself, folks! Next update? It's THE scene! The one this chapter is gonna be known for!
--Cody Baier

July 28, 2019
Hey y'all! Consider this part 1; we got one page dropping today, and a second dropping tomorrow! I didn't want this to be a standalone update page, but there's no way I'll have the second done in time, and you guys shouldn't be starved for content just because I'm behind schedule.
--Cody Baier

July 14, 2019
Howdy party people! Fresh new Cloudscratcher for you! And if you're a Cloudscratcher patron, you should have a nice surprise waiting for you, as well!
--Cody Baier

June 30, 2019
Two new pages for you guys! Sunday updates may be continuing for awhile, but won't be permanent. Be sure to follow Cloudscratcher on twitter for any updates, or contact me via the Cloudscratcher tumblr's ask section if you have any questions or comments!
--Cody Baier

June 23, 2019
Hey all! New content for ya! Things are still pretty crazy over here, hence all the single page updates, and trust me; it's driving me as crazy as it's probably driving you. You have no idea how excited I am to get to certain stuff in this chapter, and especially the next Episode (which is gonna be a doozy). However, despite how little time I have these days, there's no way I'm giving up on Cloudscratcher, so until things lighten up please bear with the slow drips of new content.
--Cody Baier

June 16, 2019
Back again with a brand new page! Wish I had more news on the other projects, but there's nothing I can share just yet. There's been some stuff going on behind the scenes, but I don't want to jump the gun just yet, so I'll hold off on announcements for now. In the meantime, enjoy the new Cloudscratcher content!
--Cody Baier

June 3, 2019
Thanks for your patience y'all, new update is here for you! Once the IndieGogo goes live (and some personal stuff gets finished), we should be back to more regular multi-page updates again! I'll be out of town all week so next week will be another skip, but luckily I already got the following page part of the way done, so the following week should have a nice, hefty update.
--Cody Baier

May 20, 2019
Whew! We're finally back! As promised, this update comes complete with filling you guys in on what's been going on, so here goes:
- I've been working on an IndieGogo project. I'll be crowdfunding a graphic novel pretty soon! All the demo pages are finished, now we're just doing some research to see how much money we'll need, and what kind of rewards to offer! Work on this comic has contributed to the slow trickle of updates lately, so hopefully things will pick back up once it goes live.
- The Cloudscratcher video game is not dead, just on hold until the aforementioned IndieGogo is launched. Once that's up and running, we'll begin on some demos for the game's trailer.
- Production on Cloudscratcher Volume 2 is also slated for after the launch of the IndieGogo. I want to see my options for that, specifically if there's something better I can use than IndyPlanet, preferably one that doesn't require yet another crowdfund.
--Cody Baier

May 4, 2019
And we're back! Here's that second page to go with the last update! Sadly my big announcement isn't ready yet because any time I try to assign a date to anything I jinx it. After sending this update to my research guy, I'll be getting back to work on that big announcement, so continue to stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

April 20, 2019
Hey everyone! I wanted a two-pager this week, but this training has been taking a lot of my time (and gone on far longer than I was led to believe), but I managed to get one page finished for you guys! No update next week since I'll be out of town all week (spending time with my girlfriend for her birthday), but I'm hoping to have a big announcement the following week! Don't wanna spoil what it is, but fingers crossed!
--Cody Baier

April 13, 2019
New update is here, y'all! It's Sally-Jean vs. Caxtur, place your bets now! Do it now, before you read the update!
--Cody Baier

March 31, 2019
Howdy y'all! Fresh new update with exciting new happenings! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

March 24, 2019
Hey all! Got a fresh new page for you! Also got myself a brand new pen display tablet, which is taking some getting used to, hence the one page and late update. Since the next page is all finished drawing-wise, I'll probably spend a bit of time practicing on it. Also next week's update will likely be one page primarily because I do not like how the events flow if I leave off on the page that follows it. The following two pages need to be released together, I feel.
--Cody Baier

March 13, 2019
Sorry for the late pages folks, I made a really stupid mistake (which I detailed on twitter) that set me back like crazy. I also opted not to release EVERY page I finished over the week, so I could have a buffer. That said, we've got multiple pages for you guys, so enjoy!
--Cody Baier

March 4, 2019
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, I wanted to get the look of the Archive just right, and it took a few tries before I settled on one. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

February 23, 2019
Hey all! New update for you guys. Gonna be heading out of the weekend, so I only finished one page and got the second MOSTLY done, as well as made some progress on the IndieGogo comic I've been hinting at before. When that launches, you better believe you'll be hearing all about it!
--Cody Baier

February 16, 2019
'Ey, here's some new Cloudsrcatcher! Thanks for your patience, everyone! Just one page this week because this scene is only a page long. Next week? We begin a scene I've been chomping at the bits to make for years. I can't wait for you guys to finally see what's been replaying in my head for so long!
--Cody Baier

February 3, 2019
Hey everyone. You probably noticed how absolutely wacked out my update schedule has been lately, and first off I want to apologize for that. As I have mentioned before, I've been undergoing supervisor training at my day job, which has taken quite a bit of my time and really messed with my comic making schedule. Facing a heap of work hours due to the next step of my training next week, I've decided to take the next couple of weeks off from updating, but not from comicing. I'll be using this time to try and work on a small bit of buffer. I can't manage too much in just a couple of weeks, but this should at least prevent further missed or late updates for awhile. In the meantime, I've uploaded a funny bit of fanart to the gallery section, and in-between pages I'll be working on some extra bits of Cloudscratcher-related material I'll be uploading to the site. Thank you for your patience, and definitely look forward to the coming updates, because we're approaching a doozy of a scene I have been hyped to make for years, now!
--Cody Baier

January 28, 2019
Aaaaand we're back! Brand new pages for you guys, after recovering my script for a SECOND time! Not quite sure why this keeps happening... Experimenting aesthetically with these pages. Next week is just one page, only because it's a one page long scene. After that, it's a scene I've been waiting to do for a long, long time...!
--Cody Baier

January 13, 2019
All new page for you guys! No update next week, since I'll be out of town, and I want to take some time and catch back up to fix my update schedule. Also I should have that gift for the Cloudscratcher patrons ready soon! In the meantime, be sure to follow Cloudscratcher on social media by clicking the icons on the menu to the left. You can even send a message to the comic's official tumblr blog even if you don't have a tumblr account! Progress reports are posted on twitter as well, so you can keep track of comic happenings there.
--Cody Baier

January 6, 2019
Happy New Year, y'all! Brand new Cloudscratcher for you! Barely averted a disaster after the script file for Chapter 14 got corrupted, but thankfully I managed to recover it and all is well!
--Cody Baier

December 30, 2018
Happy New Year, y'all! Brand new Cloudscratcher for you! Barely averted a disaster after the script file for Chapter 14 got corrupted, but thankfully I managed to recover it and all is well!
--Cody Baier

December 16, 2018
Hey everyone, sorry for all the delays and screwed up schedules. As I've said on social media, this is a pretty hectic time of year for me, so thanks to all my readers for bearing with me. This and the next update will be one-pagers mainly because this ends the current scene and the next one is just a page long. After that I'll be taking a week off for the holidays, and then we should be back to a stable schedule! Also, another reminder to follow Cloudscratcher on twitter and tumblr (if you're still there) for updates!
--Cody Baier

December 1, 2018
Hey folks! Thanksgiving's over, so it's time for some more Cloudscratcher pages! Also that little surprise for Patrons should be on its way soon!
--Cody Baier

November 17, 2018
Hey errbody! Sadly just one page again due to some drama I'm not getting into, so I do apologize for the slow start to this chapter. To all my patrons, you can expect a very, very cool surprise coming very soon!
--Cody Baier

November 11, 2018
Just one page this week to reset my production schedule back to normal. Plus there's 4 more pages with Nina and Kaliko, so that should round out this scene nicely. Also, progress is going fantastically on the Cloudscratcher video game! Patrons can look forward to something playable in the future!
--Cody Baier

November 5, 2018
Aaaaand we're back! Whew! That update had some snags, but it's finally here! Kicking off Chapter 14 with a cover featuring an album cover parody I've been requested to do since I started doing album cover parodies on the chapter title cards! I've been biting my tongue for years not revealing that I was going to use it for this chapter. Many of you are probably familiar with it, but don't know the name of it. I wonder if there's anyone out there who can name it from memory... Also be sure to follow Cloudscratcher on twitter and tumblr for progress updates, or to get in touch with me, and ask me a question! Also, I've added a Halloween pic to the Gallery, done as a nod to one of my favorite video series to draw to!
--Cody Baier

October 13, 2018
And with that, Chapter 13 finally comes to a close! As many of you know, after a chapter ends we take 3 weeks off, which I'll be spending on getting the Cloudscratcher video game ready for Kickstarter! Cloudscratcher patrons even get early access to the playable demo! In the meantime, here's the final pages of the chapter, and brace yourself for Chapter 14. We're entering the climax of Episode 4, which I can guarantee will be bigger and more action-packed than any Episode yet!
--Cody Baier

October 6, 2018
Howdy y'all! The identity of a mystery character is revealed in this week's update! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

September 30, 2018
Well, this week certainly was an adventure. Trying to do just one comic page when you're fighting off multiple infections left over from a serious allergy attack ain't easy. But, I'm all better now, and next week's update is a scene I've been dying to draw for several months!
--Cody Baier

September 22, 2018
Hello everyone! We're back! Not as many pages this update as I would have liked, but luckily the pages that didn't make the update are half-finished now, so that should alleviate problems. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling under the weather and need some rest. Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

September 9, 2018
Got another page for you guys! I'll be skipping next week so I can finish up some of the things that have been slowing down my progress. For those giving to the Cloudscratcher Patreon, some of those projects I'll be working on includes stuff for you guys! Especially folks in the $10+ tier; it's time to get to work on those side-stories, eh? Also, everyone, don't forget to follow Cloudscratcher on social media for updates, and looks behind the creative process!
--Cody Baier

September 2, 2018
Howdy-ho neighbors! We got some fresh new Cloudscratcherin's for ya! And don't forget to follow Cloudscratcher on social media to keep in touch with progress on the comic, or to ask me some questions! And as always, showing your support on Patreon always helps!
--Cody Baier

August 28, 2018
Haha sorry for the wonky update day, I was out of town for the weekend and, like a goober, forgot to send this update to my guy before I left. For more updates on my gooberishness, follow Cloudscratcher on twitter! For behind-the-scenes tidbits or if you want to ask me a question, follow Cloudscratcher on tumblr! or if you want to support the comic and show your love, hit that Patreon link to the right and throw a li'l something our way!
--Cody Baier

August 11, 2018
Aaaaand we're back! Expect more 1 page updates than usual for a bit, I'm working on an exciting new project I can't wait to show you guys! Don't worry, it won't be 1 page a week every week, but since I'm dividing my time more than usual, it might become a bit of a recurrence for a little while. Also I'll be moving soon. Anyway, new update, new scene, check it out!
--Cody Baier

July 29, 2018
Hey all! Sorry we're a bit late, my trip ended up lasting a bit longer than I expected. There won't be an update next week, as I'm taking a week off to work on some much-needed stuff, including patron bonuses and material for the next book.
--Cody Baier

July 21, 2018
Here's a new update for you guys, only one page since I'm out of town as you all are reading this. Next week's update ends the scene, so it's a two-page scene split up nice and neat! Nothing else to say except that if you like Cloudscratcher and want to help support the comic, feel free to donate to my Patreon for early access to pages, and even some exclusive content!
--Cody Baier

July 15, 2018
What it is, party people?! Got some new Cloudscratcher here for ya! Just a heads up; I'll be taking my monthly trip out of town next weekend, so the next two weeks will be one page updates. In the meantime, enjoy your creepy new villain!
--Cody Baier

July 7, 2018
Fresh new pages, hot off the grill! And remember; if you like Cloudscratcher, and want to support the comic, check us out on Patreon!
--Cody Baier

June 23, 2018
New pages for y'all! Been waiting to draw this scene for a long time (for obvious reasons). We're approaching some exciting material I've been anticipating getting to for literal years, and I can't wait to finally show it all to you guys!
--Cody Baier

June 17, 2018
Hey there everyone! Sorry we're late, had to go out of town for a weekend, and I had planned to work on the update during the trip, but that plan fell on its face. Ended up with a sinus infection after that, but luckily the work I had done before the trip prevented a sick week. So there's just one page this week, with next week putting us back on track. The next page is already partially done, so schedule-wise we should be in good shape going forward. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

June 10, 2018
Hey there everyone! Sorry we're late, had to go out of town for a weekend, and I had planned to work on the update during the trip, but that plan fell on its face. Ended up with a sinus infection after that, but luckily the work I had done before the trip prevented a sick week. So there's just one page this week, with next week putting us back on track. The next page is already partially done, so schedule-wise we should be in good shape going forward. Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

May 14, 2018
Whew! Sorry for the late update folks! So here's what my short term plans are: next week's update SHOULD be on schedule. After that, I'll be taking a week off to work on my now overflowing backlog, including commissions, the Patreon-exclusive sidestory, the last materials for the Cloudscratcher PC game I need to do, and some script work. So I won't be taking a week off the comic, just spending a week focusing on catching up on the side stuff. Also, I'll be dropping some exclusive production stuff (including sprites and sketches) for the PC game to all Cloudscratcher patrons that week!
--Cody Baier

May 6, 2018
All right, the newest update is finally here! Featuring robots, explosions, and cool sword tricks!
--Cody Baier

April 21, 2018
Hey all! Fresh new Cloudscratcher's in! Just for you! And be sure to follow us on twitter, tumblr, and like us on facebook if you're enjoying the comic!
--Cody Baier

April 14, 2018
Hey all! Fresh new Cloudscratcherin's! Just for you! And be sure to follow us on twitter, tumblr, and like us on facebook if you're enjoying the comic!
--Cody Baier

April 7, 2018
Hey guys! Like I said on twitter, I made this a single pager (hopefully the last for awhile) because this page ends the scene and I felt it would be what I needed to get my schedule back on track. I'll also be sharing some WIPs for the second print volume on social media and Patreon in the coming weeks!
--Cody Baier

April 1, 2018
Still working to get my schedule back to normal, but we got two fresh new pages for you guys!
--Cody Baier

March 25, 2018
Alrighty folks, this should be the last late one-page update for awhile. Fingers crossed nothing else gets screwy on my end for a while!
--Cody Baier

March 18, 2018
Brand new update is here! The page count is a little light this week on account of I caught a cold over the week. Luckily I got some work done before it hit, so you guys didn't go without an update! Also don't forget to follow Cloudscratcher on social media (check those funderful buttons to your left) for news on all upcoming pages, AND if you wanna get in touch with me!
--Cody Baier

March 10, 2018
Howdy y'all! New page for you folks! And remember to follow us on twitter if you want updates on the progress of the comic, and on tumblr if you'd like to interact with me directly!
--Cody Baier

March 4, 2018
WHEW! Thanks for your patience everyone, the update is now here! Regularly scheduled cloudscratching will resume as normal!
--Cody Baier

February 11, 2018
Howdy folks! Sorry for the late update, things have been hectic lately. We'll be taking next week off as I'll be out of town for the weekend, then regular updates will resume. I've been taking a lot of work lately to save up for that big out-of-state move, hence why my time to work on Cloudscratcher has been tight lately.
--Cody Baier

February 3, 2018
New kahntent for you guys! Just one page, because I am a goober and just noticed as I was going through the script that I had reached the end of what I wrote... Normally I'm pretty good at keeping the script ahead of where I am page-wise, but I guess I just kept thinking I was so much farther ahead all the way until I caught up to the script. Luckily I have the whole story arc pre-planned, so no worries about writers block, I just had to write out the script for the next several pages.
--Cody Baier

January 28, 2018
Excuse my tardiness, folks. For those who don't follow Cloudscratcher's social media pages (and you should), I was out of commission due to a nasty injury on my drawing hand. But, I'm better now, and I've got two fresh new pages for you guys!
--Cody Baier

January 13, 2018
Just one page this week, since I'll be out fo town for the weekend. Next week's probably gonna be a one-pager as well. Luckily this page ends this scene and the next page works on its own. After that, we should be back on our regular schedule!
--Cody Baier

January 9, 2018
Sorry the update's a bit late y'all. Tried something different with the lienart in Photoshop and it bombed badly. Guess I'll just have to wait for the day I can get a Cintiq after all... But, new pages are here! Chapter 13 begins!
--Cody Baier

December 16, 2017
The chapter that seemed to never end finally ends! With the conclusion of Chapter 12, I'll be taking the customary 3 week break, during which time I'll FINALLY get a chance to work on that new sidestory for $10 Patrons! $5 Patrons will be getting sneak peeks at the next chapter, as well as the sidestory WIPs.
--Cody Baier

December 10, 2017
The second-to-last update is here, featuring some characters I've been waiting a long time to debut in the comic! And I'd like to take a moment to sincerely thank all my Patrons on Patreon. With Patreon switching to a sketchy new payment plan, I know a lot of folks out there are pulling out their donations from many creators. So, I'd like to thank all my patrons who have stuck around. After next week's update, I've got some nice goodies on the way just for you guys!
--Cody Baier

December 2, 2017
New content just for you fine people! Just one page, because it ends the scene, and pushing the pagecount wouldn't change the amount of updates. Chapter ends in the next couple updates, stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

November 26, 2017
Hey everyone! Just one page this week, Thanksgiving made things pretty crazy on my end. But, gotchu some new Cloudscratcher!
--Cody Baier

November 19, 2017
New update is here, with a little extra page count and a little friend to go with it!
--Cody Baier

November 11, 2017
Hey everyone! No new pages this week, because I'm an idiot. Long story short; I forgot this week's update had an elaborate establishing shot, and didn't set aside enough drawing time to do it. So I came up with a backup plan; I've been sitting on a bunch of fanart I keep forgetting to upload on the site. So this week, it's a buttload of fanart, and a few pieces from myself. Next week, to make up for my screw-up, the update will have more pages than usual, so you get a li'l something extra!
--Cody Baier

November 5, 2017
'Ey everyone! Just one page this week for storyline reasons. This page ends this scene and the next page doesn't work as an update ender. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling ill and I need a nap...
--Cody Baier

October 28, 2017
'Ey everyone! Just one page this week for storyline reasons. This page ends this scene and the next page doesn't work as an update ender. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm feeling ill and I need a nap...
--Cody Baier

October 22, 2017
Hey everyone! Got a bit sidetracked but the update is here! And thanks to everyone who showed up for the Webcomic Relief charity stream, it was an honor (and a blast) to participate!
--Cody Baier

October 14, 2017
Whew! Really slid in at the last minute with this one! New update is here!
--Cody Baier

October 7, 2017
Hey everyone, thanks for your patience! Update was delayed due to health issues, but we're back with two fresh new pages!
--Cody Baier

September 17, 2017
I know many of you have been anxiously awaiting this update, so here it is! No update next week, since I'll be out of town. I will be spending the time I do have on commissions and Patreon bonus comics though!
--Cody Baier

September 10, 2017
Hey there all you wonderful Cloudscratcher readers! We got some brand new pages just for you!
--Cody Baier

September 2, 2017
Howdy everyone! Had to skip a week, but the newest update to Cloudscratcher is here!
--Cody Baier

August 19, 2017
Hi everyone! Sorry to just give you one page after a week long break, but I wasn't available to work on pages over the weekend so that's all I have time for. While I'm here, I figure I'll update you guys on a few situations.
- The next Patron-exclusive bonus comic is about 90% drawn, and the colors are being worked on. I wanna experiment a little and try a different look for this one. We'll see how it turns out!
- I'm in a bit of a money crunch at the moment. Saving up for a big move. So, to raise some money since the Patreon's not growing enough, I'll be opening myself up for commissions! Stay tuned to the Cloudscratcher social media pages for details in the next few days! Also, Cloudscratcher patrons will get 10% off any commission!
--Cody Baier

August 7, 2017
Sorry for the delay, everyone, things have been crazy lately. As a consequence of that, very soon I will be open to commissions! There won't be an update next week as I'll be spending this week both setting my prices and writing up some terms of Service, and working on the next Patreon-exclusive bonus story, as well. See you guys again on the 19th, and enjoy this week's update!
--Cody Baier

July 29, 2017
'Sup everyone!? New pages are here, full of more spooky exploration of the ruins! Also keep an eye on the Cloudscratcher social media accounts for a big, upcoming announcement!
--Cody Baier

July 22, 2017
Howdy folks! Two brand new pages for you all! I don't think Burt and Jacques realize just how good an idea that was they just had...
--Cody Baier

July 9, 2017
Hey all! Sorry for the delay, got slowed down packing for a trip, hence the day's delay. Because of said trip, I'll be out of town most of next week, so there won't be any new pages next week, though I should have some time to whip up something for Patrons. If not, I'll start on the next update early to prevent any more delays. We will, however, be dropping a pleasant surprise on everyone next week, so stay tuned! Also, for all you $10 Patrons, we'll be starting the next Patreon-exclusive sidestory in the coming weeks, as well!
--Cody Baier

July 1, 2017
Two brand new pages for y'all, as some major shenanigans have begun to go down! Looks like someone's made their move!
--Cody Baier

June 24, 2017
New pages for y'all! Jam-packed with cuteness! Got some cool stuff in the works, as well, that I'm really hoping to show you guys soon!
--Cody Baier

June 17, 2017
Hey everyone! One page this week since I figured that would put me back on schedule. Hopefully next week we should be back on to morning updates. Also, in case you haven't seen it, we've revamped all the Patreon goals. Now each tier offers patrons (and readers) clear, concrete rewards, should we reach them!
--Cody Baier

June 11, 2017
Hey everyone, sorry about the late update! Some stuff happened this week, totally lost control of my schedule. I was hoping to get back on track with Saturday morning updates, but it looks like the wacked-out schedule I was dealing with before wrecked my schedule more than I thought. Two pages this week, and I'll be working on re-doing the Patreon goal tiers this week!
--Cody Baier

June 3, 2017
And we got another update to whet your whistle! Next week we return to a multi-page update schedule now that things are finally back to normal for me. Thanks for your patience, all! And remember to follow us on Twitter, Tumblr, or Facebook (which I'll update as soon as I remember the password...), and support Cloudscratcher on Patreon if you can!
--Cody Baier

May 28, 2017
Okay y'all, this should be the last late update for awhile. I've gotten my schedule back on track, which should get the comic's update schedule back on track as well. Which means back to Saturday morning updates! Just one page this week, and one next week due to the rhythm of the pages, then we're back to the multi-page bundles! Also, I wanna thank Riiser of the Webcomic Relief for his recent review of Cloudscratcher, and his incredibly helpful advice!
--Cody Baier

May 14, 2017
And here's our second page! No update next week since I'll be out of town again, then after that it looks like all further distractions should be gone and my schedule should return to some level of normalcy. Fingers crossed!
--Cody Baier

May 6, 2017
'Sup peeps! While I had two pages ready and drawn for this week, several things happened which cut a lot of time for my schedule. So it was either update late, or save the second page for next week, so I chose the latter. One of the things that happened is I finally bought a new car! You may remember I mentioned before I was saving up due to my current vehicle being a junker and a borderline death trap, and now I've finally been able to upgrade! And don't think I'm not grateful; you guys helped contribute to that! I can't thank you enough, it means the world to me! Also, since next week's page is mostly done, I can spend that extra time finally finishing the patreon comic! FINALLY!
--Cody Baier

April 22, 2017
New page for you guys! Our heroes have finally made it out of the facility, and into the settlement proper. But it looks like they've already run into some trouble... Also no update next week, since I'll be out of town for the whole week. See you guys when I get back!
--Cody Baier

April 15, 2017
Yo, dawgs! New Cloudscratcher page is here, and--uh-oh... Is that who I think it is?!
--Cody Baier

April 8, 2017
New page, everyone! Due to some kind of mistake that I'm not even sure how it happened, I lost the file for the Patreon comic page, so while I wasn't able to finish that, I did catch the comic up on Comic Chameleon. We're gonna do one more one-pager next week so I can finally finishing that bleep-bleepin' bonus comic already. After that, two page updates should resume as normal.
--Cody Baier

April 2, 2017
Hey everyone, sorry for the late update! So here's the heads up: rather than skip a week, I've split this update into two one page updates. This is to help me reset my production schedule and get back on track, hopefully returning to a Saturday morning update again. Also during this week off, I'll be finishing that Patreon comic and catching up on Comic Chameleon, so I can finally get all that stuff out of the way!
--Cody Baier

March 26, 2017
Hey everyone! Still getting used to this new schedule, thanks for baring with me. Two new pages this week, with our heroes finding themselves in quite the pinch!
--Cody Baier

March 18, 2017
Howdy folks! Just one page this week! Next week will possibly be another one-page update, but I'm going to try and get more done for you guys. Also trying to schedule some time in to finish that last bonus comic page.
--Cody Baier

March 12, 2017
Chapter 12 is here, everyone! And now, here's the news on the future of the comic for awhile; since the Patreon's growth had hit a standstill for awhile, and I'm in some dire straights these days, I've had to take on more work, which means not only less time for the comic, but a complete shuffling of my normal comic schedule. Updates may come later in the day on Saturday sometimes while I adjust, and one page updates may be more frequent for awhile. Not only am I saving up for an out-of-state move, but I'm in desperate need for a new vehicle (the truck I'm driving now is over 2 decades old, and is falling apart piece by piece. It's quite literally in its last weeks of life). So while I'm in this situation, in dire need of money, comic updates may end up smaller or frequently late. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and I sincerely hope this won't be the case for much longer.
--Cody Baier

February 19, 2017
And with this yet-again-late update, Chapter 11 comes to a close. Some serious stuff is gonna be going down in Chapter 12, but first, the customary 3-week break in between chapters. During this break I'm not only going to be (finally) finishing up that bonus comic for patrons (which was never supposed to take this long to finish I'm so sorry), but I'll be catching the comic up on Comic Chameleon, fixing a few scattered pages I've been meaning to fix for a long time (years in some cases), and working on some new surprises in store for you guys in the next chapter!
--Cody Baier

February 11, 2017
Whew! Sorry about that, everyone, schedule got hectic, but the update is here! And it looks like the Cloudscratcher crew having a head start on collecting the batteries isn't going to be enough to make this mission a cakewalk...
--Cody Baier

February 4, 2017
It's that time again! This week we learn all about the sad fate of the Avians, and some important hygiene tips!
--Cody Baier

January 28, 2017
Class is in session, everyone! It's a brand new update just for you! And remember; if you like Cloudscratcher, be sure to follow us on social media for updates and information on the comic!!
--Cody Baier

January 21, 2017
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, my schedule's all out of whack. Should be back to normal next week, though! Or this week, I guess... Anyway, new update for you, as the plot thickens!
--Cody Baier

January 15, 2017
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, my schedule's all out of whack. Should be back to normal next week, though! Or this week, I guess... Anyway, new update for you, as the plot thickens!
--Cody Baier

January 8, 2017
Hey everyone, here's the first Cloudscratcher update of 2017! I'll be out of town this weekend, so next week's update is likely gonna be a one-pager, since I won't have the time needed for two pages. But, I don't wanna skip a week, either, so one page it is! For now, enjoy your fresh new update, and the introduction of one of the comic's biggest villains!
--Cody Baier

December 24, 2016
Merry Christmas, y'all! Have some holiday cheer in the form of a new update that focuses on the villains! That always gets ME in the Christmas spirit! And because of Christmas, we won't have an update next week, and I'll be taking the time I do have this week to finish the next page of the Patreon comic, and get started on the next one (which will be the last page before the next Patreon bonus comic). And, of course, a Comic Chameleon catch-up. Also, there's a bit of visual retconning this week. Don't know if anyone will even notice what I did, but I made an executive decision to make something look much better than it did before. If no one notices, hey, great!
--Cody Baier

December 17, 2016
Hey, everyone, thanks for your patience! We're back with two new pages, and you $10 tier Patrons should be getting your next reward very soon, as well!
--Cody Baier

December 3, 2016
The plot marches on with this week's Cloudscratcher update! And don't forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on twitter and Tumblr, and support us on Patreon!
--Cody Baier

November 26, 2016
He's baaaaaaack~!
--Cody Baier

November 19, 2016
We're back, y'all! We got some sweet new pages just for you, as the plot gets underway! And all you readers on Comic Chameleon will be happy to know we used the week off to get you all caught up!
--Cody Baier

November 5, 2016
Hey everyone! Some brand new pages just for you! And just a heads up: no update next week, as I'll be unavailable most of the week and won't be able to work on the comic. Fingers crossed I can use the time I DO have to get work done on the Patreon bonus comic. Been neglecting that WAY too much...
--Cody Baier

October 29, 2016
What it is, party people? We're back with two fresh new pages ripe for the reading! And remember to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Tumblr!
--Cody Baier

October 21, 2016
Hey everyone! We have returned, and on our new update schedule! It was only appropriate that we change the update time to Saturday morning, don't you think? All you young whipper-snappers may not see why it's relevant, but all us old fogeys will get it! Oh god we're so old... Anyway! New cover page and a new page are here, see if you can guess what the cover is referencing!
--Cody Baier

October 2, 2016
And with that, Episode 3 comes to a close! We'll be taking the customary 3 week post-chapter break, during which time I'll be working on scripts, character designs, and some Patreon rewards! Also, be sure to follow the Cloudscratcher twitter and/or tumblr, as I'll be posting some little bonus bits on there as well during the break. I'm especially excited about this; Episode 4 is a doozy of a story arc I've been chomping at the bits to do for a long time, now. Makes the last 3 Episodes seem like diddly-squat! Prepare yourselves!
--Cody Baier

September 25, 2016
Hey all! New update is here! And next week's update ends the Episode and the Chapter! So getcha selves ready!
--Cody Baier

September 18, 2016
New pages are here! This week we begin that double-conclusion I've been mentioning. And remember to like us on facebook and follow us on twitter and tumblr if you're enjoying the comic! And if you want to help support Cloudscratcher, click on that Patreon link and show us some love!
--Cody Baier

September 11, 2016
Salutations and greetings, dear readers! We have two fresh new Cloudscratcher pages just for you and your reading pleasure! Next week's update begins the final scene for both this chapter, and a major subplot of the comic!
--Cody Baier

September 5, 2016
What it is y'all! Sorry the update's a little late, but we got it fresh off the Photoshop presses for you! And remember, you can keep up with all the Cloudscratcher news and inside info by following us on Twitter and Tumblr! And be sure to like us on Facebook!
--Cody Baier

August 28, 2016
And hello again good fellows! New Cloudscratcher to wet your whistles! With the main story of Episode 3 resolved, we 'bout to cap off Chapter 10 with a few last bombshells before we roll in to Episode 4. Stay tuned, we 'bout to blow some minds!
--Cody Baier

August 21, 2016
Update time! We finally say goodbye to Belmore, and get an answer for something many of you have been asking me for awhile, now! And hey, if you like the comic and want to support it, now's a better time than ever to become a Cloudscratcher Patreon donor! Not only can you get sneak previews of updates (sometimes even getting the finished pages before they go on the site), but we've also started doing bonus side-story comics as well! And don't forget, Cloudscratcher has its own twitter account, now, which you can see by clicking the twitter icon on the side menu!
--Cody Baier

August 7, 2016
What it is! The new Cloudscratcher update is here! We'll be taking a week off next week as I'll be going to Otakon, and hopefully sellin' some arts! I'll be wearing a Cloudscratcher shirt one of the days I'm there, so say hi if you see me!
--Cody Baier

July 31, 2016
What it is, people! We got one new page for you this week. Why just one? Well, I have two finished and ready for y'all, but I have to take two weeks off to work on some artwork I'll be selling at Otakon this year, so I decided to split this update in two so you guys don't go two full weeks without content. And if any of you fine folks are headed to Otakon this year, stop by the auction in the Artist Alley and see if you can find my stuff!
--Cody Baier

July 24, 2016
We back wit' mo' pages fo' yew! It seems like a surprise savior has come to stop Big Brockie, but who could it be I wonder...?
--Cody Baier

July 10, 2016
Hey people! Two brand new pages for y'all! We won't be updating next week as I'll be spending much of this week out of town, but I'll be spending some of this week working on some goodies for our Patreon sponsors (as well as some work I'm gonna sell at this year's Otakon). So, enjoy!
--Cody Baier

July 3, 2016
New pages for y'all! Or, page, in the singular. Just one page to get us back on schedule after the bumps in the road that delayed the last update. Next update should be on schedule, though the following one may be skipped due to me being out of town again. I'll see what I can do for you guys during that week (probably another bonus comic strip for the Patrons). In the meantime, enjoy some more action packed excitement!
--Cody Baier

June 27, 2016
And we're back! Thank you everyone so much for your patience! We've got two new Cloudscratcher pages full of action and fancy poses just for you! We've also got some news, as well; if you click the Twitter icon to the left, you'll notice Cloudscratcher has its very own Twitter account, now! This is for all you Cloudscratcher fans who want to get the latest news on the comic without sitting through all my personal crap. Should make things a lot easier! We're also going to start working on a massive catch-up for the comic on the Comic Chameleon app, as well.
--Cody Baier

June 14, 2016
Hey guys, I wanted to throw y'all a little something to apologize for the two week break. So, I've added three pieces of artwork to the gallery that were posted on social media. And remember, if you like Cloudscratcher, and you want to help support it, head on over to the Cloudscratcher Patreon, and become a Patron! You can get everything from sneak peaks at upcoming updates to exclusive content to free digital copies of the print volumes!
Also, thought I should tell you folks I've started working on something for the $10+ Patrons. So if you're in that reward tier, expect some new goodies soon!
--Cody Baier

June 7, 2016
Hey all! Sorry for the SUPER late update, but I had some troubles with these pages. Getting the page where Big Brockie busts through the wall just right was quite a pain, and all the fixes I had to do to it threw me way off schedule. But now the pages are all ready, and here for your reading pleasure!
Also a quick heads up; we'll be taking two weeks off. I desperately need to get some drawing-related work done, and this delay set me back pretty badly. I'll be throwing some goodies your way on the tumblr to make up for the delay.
--Cody Baier

May 29, 2016
Update time, y'all! One page this week to keep the page rhythm. Next week, Big Brockie finally makes its grand debut! And remember, if you like Cloudscratcher, consider supporting it through Patreon (link's on the right), or just telling your friends to check us out!
--Cody Baier

May 23, 2016
Hey all! Like I said last week, no new pages this week, but I do want to announce something. On the Cloudscratcher Patreon, we've added a new reward tier with all new goodies to reward the fine folks that help keep this comic alive! This new tier offers patrons exclusive content such as comic strips and calendars featuring the characters of Cloudscratcher. But what's the first goodie all you fine folks in this reward tier get? The Cloudscratcher Coloring and Activity Book! If you were ever given a Disney coloring book as a kid, you're gonna feel right at home with this one! Check out the tumblr for a look at the cover art!
--Cody Baier

May 15, 2016
Hi everyone! Just one page this week. We'll be taking next week off since I'll be out of town, as I said last week. Gonna be spending time this coming week working hard on something for you Cloudscratcher patrons! I think you guys are gonna dig it!.
--Cody Baier

May 8, 2016
What it is, homedawgs? Guess what? Got an update for y'all! After next week's update I'll be out of town again, so there won't be an update that following week. Going to try and work on some Patreon rewards while I'm there. In the meantime, if you love you some Cloudscratcher, follow us on tumblr and like us on Facebook! And if you want to hear me prattle on like a cranky old man, follow me on Twitter! Links to all the Cloudscratcher social media can be found on the menu to the left (except on the mobile site).
--Cody Baier

April 24, 2016
Wassup peeps! Two new pages for y'all to enjoy! And just a heads up; I'll be out of town all week, so there won't be an update next week. While I'm gone, I hope to be able to work on some of the extra material for the Patreon donors!
--Cody Baier

April 17, 2016
Wassup peeples?! New Cloudscratcher update with 2 crisp, brand new pages straight out of the creative oven just for you!
--Cody Baier

April 10, 2016
We're back with another update for all you good boys and girls! This week's update brings this scene to a close. Next week we say hello to the Wolfsbane Pirates!
--Cody Baier

April 3, 2016
New page time, boys and girls! We'll be doing one more one-page update next week, since this scene ends with the next page. After that? Well I'm certainly looking forward to the next scene, since Wolfsbane's back! That guy's a blast to write and to draw...!
--Cody Baier

March 27, 2016
Here's the Easter Update, everyone! Another one page update next week, and then we should hopefully be back on track! Also, folks viewing the site on your phones may have noticed that the site is no longer an incomprehensible mess! Well, that's because the mobile version of the Cloudscratcher website is finally up and running! Many thanks to my website guy Kevin for busting his butt and getting the job done! There's a few features on the mobile site missing from the main site, but it's more than enough to help users get Cloudscratcher on the go (who don't want to read it using the Comic Chameleon app)!.
--Cody Baier

March 20, 2016
Hey folks! As promised, here's the update! The next couple weeks are gonna be one page updates, since I'll be occupied over Easter weekend and won't have time for comicing. Also thought I should fill you guys in on a little something; for those of you wondering about the progress of the Cloudscratcher video game, we're currently putting it on hold for a bit while we hash out some other stuff, including matters related to this very website. I only have a small network of (awesome) people to help me out, and I don't want to overwork them. Plus I have some stuff to take care of myself. And remember; you can get all the latest info on Cloudscratcher without having to wait for update day by following us on tumblr, and liking us on Facebook! You can also follow me on Twitter if you want to catch all my latest salty ramblings.
--Cody Baier

March 6, 2016
Mo' pages, mo' problems! Okay, maybe not so much with the problems, but there ARE more pages for you guys! Enjoy this week's update! And check out the Cloudscratcher Patreon, where we've added the new $5 reward tier! Patrons who give $5 or more will recieve sneak previews of upcoming pages in development, as well as future Patreon rewards!
--Cody Baier

February 28, 2016
Hi all! We're back from our week off, with a one-pager. This next scene's another three pages (I swear I don't do that on purpose. Three pages is usually just how long a scene should go on for), so I figured I'd start with one page, and do two next week. Y'know, there's three kinds of scenes I love writing; action scenes, villain scenes, and scenes like this; the character-building personal scenes. There's so much you can do with scenes like this, and so much potential for bringing the audience into a character's head, I can't get enough of it. I hope you guys enjoy the next three pages as much as I enjoyed writing them!!
--Cody Baier

February 14, 2016
Hey everybody! With this week's update, we wrap up the current scene. We'll be taking a week off next week, unless you're a donator on Patreon, in which case you'll be recieving some fine swag! Also, special thanks to our newest member of the $20 Patreon tier, Chris Wagner, whose name is now in the Special Thanks section of the website, and who now has access to free PDFs of all current and future Cloudscratcher print volumes!!
--Cody Baier

February 8, 2016
Hey all! We've got two new pages for you this week, with next week's update consisting of one page that ends the scene. After that, we'll be taking a week off to get some things done (including Patreon rewards), returning with another 2 pages after that. So until then, enjoy the latest batch of pages!
--Cody Baier

January 31, 2016
Here we are, folks! For those who don't follow us on social media, well, start doing that! And also I had an inner ear infection (or something similar), which held off completing the pages and led to a missed week. Had to fix some things in the first page, too, since it's really not a good idea to try and keep drawing while the room spins whenever you look down... But anyway, we've got two new pages, AND two new pieces of artwork in the Gallery! I drew some special artwork to use for skyscraper ads, and now the full-size versions of those pictures are up in the Gallery if you want to check 'em out.
--Cody Baier

January 18, 2016
Thanks to some frosted vehicle shinanegans and some fine folks I won't speak further about, this week's update got delayed by a day, but here we are! Next week may be a one-pager, but I'm going to try to avoid that. I'm going to take some time to work on some ads, and this still unfinished Patreon reward, so that may take up my time. Fingers crossed we still get 2 pages out this coming Sunday!
--Cody Baier

January 10, 2016
Hey everyone! Bringing you one page this week, since it ends the scene, and ending on the next page would make the update really awkward... So, enjoy a little badass cuteness as the climax to Episode 3 rolls along!
--Cody Baier

January 4, 2016
Hi all! Two new pages for you, kicking off the beginning of Chapter 10! We've also removed the link to the forums, for now. As the comic's still relatively early in its lifespan, there's not much activity going on there, and not much use in keeping it as of now. When we start getting some more fan activity, we'll put it back up. But, if you'd like to chime in with your opinion on the comic, click the icons to your left to contact us on Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr! We're always looking to hear from you guys!
--Cody Baier

December 27, 2015
Aaaaand we're back, folks! Normally when we start a new chapter, it's with a cover and two new pages. This time, it's just the cover. Why? Combination of me being out of town one week, and this cover being particularly difficult to do for a variety of reasons. Which makes me wonder if Episode 2 started an unintentional tradition of the last chapter of an episode having exceptionally elaborate covers.
--Cody Baier

December 6, 2015
And with this, Chapter 9 comes to a close. As usual, we'll be taking a 3 week break before starting the next chapter. In the meantime, be sure to follow us on Tumblr and Facebook, where we'll be keeping you updated with Cloudscratcher-related news! What kind of news? Progress on the game, for one! And if you're a Cloudscratcher patron? Expect more goodies soon!
--Cody Baier

November 30, 2015
Update time! This was supposed to be two pages, but with all the crap that's been going on I had to bump it down to one this week, then the final page of Chapter 9 next week. Also working on some more Patreon rewards for you guys, so stay tuned for that!
--Cody Baier

November 22, 2015
Hey there everyone! One page this week, followed by two pages next week, which brings us to the end of the chapter! 3 week break after that, then BOOM! Chapter 10, bringing us to the climax of Episode 3!
And I certainly hope all you Patrons out there have been enjoying your new goodies! There's more on the way!
--Cody Baier

November 10, 2015
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay, got a lot of stuff going on over here. We'll be taking a week off to get some of this stuff done, and hopefully get working on those Patreon rewards! In the meantime, enjoy the uodate!
--Cody Baier

November 1, 2015
Howdy boys and girls! Second half of that new batch of pages is here! While I'm still working on this Patreon reward here. I'm kicking around some ideas for some simpler stuff. Maybe a smaller something to go up before this piece, since it's pretty elaborate, and may take awhile. If you're a Patron, let me know what you think, and what you'd be interested in! These rewards are for ALL patrons, by the way! Even the $1 folk!
--Cody Baier

October 25, 2015
Hey everyone! I'm splitting this week's and next week's updates into one page, since I won't be available next week and won't be able to work on a full update. So, I figured instead of two pages this week and no content at all next week, I'd split it.
Also big thanks to all our new patrons! I'll be spending what time I have this week on those rewards for you guys!
--Cody Baier

October 18, 2015
Howdy everybody! It's a brand new batch o' pages for y'all! A little sweet character moment for you fine folks to chew on! Enjoy!
--Cody Baier

October 11, 2015
Hey everyone! Thanks for your patience, a new update is here! Not only do we have 2 brand new pages for you, but a couple new character bios! Just check the Characters page! Also, I'm hard at work on some new goodies for all the Cloudscratcher patrons, and we've just made some major progress on the Cloudscratcher PC game! All in all, a productive week!
--Cody Baier

October 4, 2015
Heads up everyone! No new pages this week, sadly. Why? Well, two reasons. First, I've found myself quite swamped by real world obligations, which have taken too much time out of these next few pages. Also, I'll be taking a week off to get some extra stuff done for the comic. What stuff? Well said stuff includes...
--Working on finishing the build for the Cloudscratcher game.
--Working on some Patreon rewards for you guys!
--Talking with a few bookstores about carrying Volume 1
And so on and so forth... So next week we'll be bringing you a batch of new pages, as well as some news!
--Cody Baier

September 27, 2015
And with this week's update we say goodbye to Noggos. Next week it's back to Felix and Ixia's birthday shinanegans!
And hey everyone, remember; if you like what we do here, and you want to help the comic keep going, show your support on Patreon! If we can meet our goals, it'll help increase the quality of the comic, and even how many pages we update with!
--Cody Baier

September 21, 2015
Hey folks! Since I was out of town the beginning of the week, we've only got one page this week, and one next week to end this scene. After that we'll be checking back up on Felix and Ixia!
--Cody Baier

September 14, 2015
And a new batch of pages is here! I'm starting to think that Agathoth walked by that school during recess on purpose...
And don't forget, if you want to comment on Cloudscratcher, make your voice heard on our forums, or hit us up on social media!
--Cody Baier

September 6, 2015
Hey folks! No new pages this week, as I'm going to hold back to allow for my work schedule to get back to normal after last week's cold. Next week updates resume as usual! But instead of new pages, we got some sweet new announcements!
First, the smaller announcement; we got two new swagalicious t-shirt designs at the Cloudscratcher store! These new awesome designs feature Felix and Ixia individually, and sport some awesome graphic design by Alex Barry of Project A.F.T.E.R.!
Second, we got a big announcement for our Patrons! The first of the brand new rewards has rolled in! For everyone pledging $20.00 or more to the Cloudscratcher Patreon, we're giving away free digital copies of Cloudscratcher Volume 1! These babies come in high-definition, sporting image quality you just won't get with the pages here on the website (not to mention all that sweet remastering)! All copies come in .PDF format, as well as .CBR! And that's not even the best part! Not only do you get Volume 1 as a $20.00+ donator, but all future volumes as they're released!
Also, our Forums have been dead for awhile now, but I don't want to ditch them. After all, they're the perfect place to let me know what you think about the comic, and maybe chat with fellow Cloudscratcher fans while you're there! So if you want to let your opinions be heard, head on over to the Cloudscratcher Forums and give me a piece of your mind! If you don't want to do that, follow us on social media using all those pretty little square buttons to your left! They'll take you to the Cloudscratcher Facebook and Tumblr pages, as well as my own personal Twitter feed!
--Cody Baier

September 1, 2015
Howdy readers! Sorry for the delay! If you don't follow us on social media, well, you should be! Also, as was said on our social media accounts, I caught a brief cold which delayed things. Only one page this week, because I want the next two pages to go up together. You'll understand why when you see them! Also we're still hard at work on new Patreon rewards, so stay tuned for that! And if you haven't already, be sure to pick up a copy of Cloudscratcher Volume 1 by clicking that link in the upper right!
--Cody Baier

August 23, 2015
Hey everyone! A new batch of pages this week, as we revisit an old... let's call him a "friend"...
But that's not the biggest news this week! Because guess what, folks? Cloudscratcher Volume 1 is now on sale! It's been a long time coming, but the wait is finally over! The first 4 chapters, totally remastered! And man oh man, folks, wait until you see some of this remastered artwork! The difference in quality is night and day compared to what you get on the site!
And for all you Patrons, first of all let me tell you how much I appreciate you guys! So much so that with the book finally out of the way I can begin developing some new Patreon awards! First up, in the coming weeks for our $20 Patrons we'll be giving you free digital copies of not only Volume 1, but all future print volumes as well! That's right, if you become a Cloudscratcher Patron donating $20 or more, you'll receive all Cloudscratcher volumes for free! All those beautiful remastered pages, and any extra content in future volumes, all of it is yours! But don't think I'm neglecting the rest of you guys; I'm beginning work on an awesome new reward for all our Patrons, even those just donating $1! I won't spoil the surprise, but you guys are gonna love this! Way better than some wallpaper! But don't think we won't be bringing you those in the future!
--Cody Baier

August 10, 2015
Hey all! Sorry about the late update, this one's my bad. I lost total track of time, and I apologize. We're updating with one page this week to cap off this scene. Next update, we meet an old friend again to check in on how they're doing...
--Cody Baier

August 2, 2015
Aaaaand we're back! Sorry for the wait, folks! Here's a couple brand new pages for you! And to our new Patron, we've added your name to the Special Thanks section of the FAQs and Info page! The fact that your name ended up in the background of this week's update is just a hilarious coincidence!
--Cody Baier

July 20, 2015
Hey everyone! No pages this week, or next week. Figured I'd use this update to tell you guys where things stand.
Currently sitting on some particularly detailed pages done in a week that did not give me much time to work on pages requiring detail. Normally that would just mean skipping a week, but I will have absolutely no time to work on the comic this week (weeks like this are why I started the Patreon. So I can eventually reach a point where there will be no weeks like this). The following week, however, will return us to multi-page updates. Much of this mess should be sorted out. Also, if all goes well, Cloudscratcher Volume 1 should be available for purchase within the coming weeks, as well as a new reward for Patrons!
So as rough as everything has been, there's much to look forward to! Thank you for your patience! You guys out there have no idea how much I appreciate each and every one of you!
--Cody Baier

July 11, 2015
Hey all! New page for y'all! Volume 1 is on the way, so look forward to that! Okay, bye!
--Cody Baier

July 5, 2015
Hey folks, here's a fresh new update to wet your whistle while we work hard on that upcoming book! Just one page this week and next week, which finishes this scene. After that, we'll be back to multi-page updates!
--Cody Baier

June 28, 2015
Hey everyone! No page this week, so I thought I should fill you in on what's going on (and why there's no pages).
There were some serious printing errors in the initial proof of the Cloudscratcher book. Originally the book was to go on sale this week, but fixing the issue will take some time, pushing back the release date a few weeks. Dealing with these issues took quite a bit of time, which took time that would've gone toward working on the update. Now, I'm out of town shopping the book to a few comic book stores. So there will be an update next week, and Volume 1 will be going on sale in the coming weeks!
--Cody Baier

June 22, 2015
Hey everyone! New Cloudscratcher for y'all! And I hope you're prepared for some big news, because the next update is gonna drop something huge on all y'all!
--Cody Baier

June 15, 2015
Hi folks! Just one page this week, which may continue for the next few weeks, sadly. The Cloudscratcher book will be available in the next few weeks, and I'll be trying to sell it to various brick-and-mortar comic stores. So while I'm out and about I won't be able to make the bigger updates I'd like to. But, it's all to start making enough money where I can devote more time to Cloudscratcher. Here's to the return of three page updates!
--Cody Baier

June 7, 2015
The scene with our mysterious new players in the game comes to a close this week. Next week, we rejoin the Cloudscratcher Crew, still blissfully unaware of the powder keg building around them...!
--Cody Baier

May 31, 2015
Hi all! New update hear for you today! Next week'll be a one-pager to cap off this scene, and give me that last little bit of time I need to finish the book! Look out, 'cause Cloudscratcher Volume 1 will be going on sale in the coming weeks! Get hype!
--Cody Baier

May 17, 2015
Hey everyone! A new update is here for you today, with 2 fresh new pages for your comic reading pleasure! Next week will either be a skipped week, or a 1-pager. I'll be out of town most of next week, so we'll see how that goes.
--Cody Baier

May 10, 2015
Hi folks! We're finally back from hiatus with the most splendid of news! All of Cloudscratcher Episode 1 has been fully remastered! And unlike George Lucas, our remasters are for the better! Know what that means? It means the book will be ready and available soon, so get ready for that! In the meantime, we return from hiatus with the cover to chapter 9 (didn't want to add a page, as it'd throw off the rhythm of events), so in the meantime I want to see if you fine folks can guess which album cover is being parodied here! Shoot me your guesses on Twitter or Tumblr!
--Cody Baier

April 12, 2015
Howdy folks! A fresh new batch of Cloudscratcher, capping off Chapter 8! With this, we'll be taking a month off to get some work done (including work on Cloudscratcher Volume 1), so we'll see you in a month!
And hey, if you wanna help out, shoot us a donation over at the Cloudscratcher Patreon! Every little bit helps us reach our goal of bigger updates, less delays, and more time for more elaborate and detailed pages!
In the meantime, enjoy the page!
--Cody Baier

April 5, 2015
Hi all! Since it's only one page this week I worked to make this one extra nice to look at! Next week's update should end the chapter, and after that we'll be taking a few weeks off. I'm going to have to bump it from 3 to 4 weeks, since I'll be out of town for a week, and won't be able to work on the comic while I'm gone, so I need that full 3 weeks time to work.
In the meantime, enjoy the page!
--Cody Baier

May 10, 2015
Hey, everyone. Normally, April Fools Day is a time to have play some jokes and pull some high-larious pranks. Sadly, I've never been one for April Fools jokes. I am, however, a man who loves to please! And what better way to thank all my wonderful readers than with something I know they've been dying for! Official Cloudscratcher Rule 34! That's right, all the lovely ladies of Cloudscratcher in all their uncensored glory! Enjoy, fellahs! ;) And hey, maybe throw me a few bucks on Patreon if you wanna see more! If we hit our first milestone, I'll even throw in future image collections exclusively for patrons!
--Cody Baier

March 29, 2015
Hey all! New update's here, playing out the next scene in its entirety. Two more updates until the end of the chapter!
--Cody Baier

March 23, 2015
Hey all! Because what I thought was a 24 hour bug ended up being a nasty cold. So, while I'll be skipping this week, I'll be making next week's update a three-pager to play out this entire next scene. After that will be a single page, then two, then the chapter is finished. Starting with this chapter, I'll be taking three-week breaks after a chapter concludes to get things done, and prevent as many delays as I can. Hopefully if the Patreon starts doing well enough I won't need to take these breaks, but as things are now I'm scraping to get by and need the time off between chapters. I can't thank you guys enough for your patience, and for all you guys out there enjoying the comic! If you can't support via Patreon, the most I can ask from you is to like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, spread the word about Cloudscratcher, and throw some feedback our way. I'd absolutely love to hear from you guys!
--Cody Baier

March 15, 2015
New page, everyone! Just one page, to neatly close the scene. This is actually totally unintentional; I didn't realize just about every scene in Chapter 8 would turn out to be three pages long. Just kinda ended up that way. Should be about three more two-page updates before Chapter 8 comes to a close. Also, for those of you reading the comic on Comic Chameleon, all the pages have been restored, reuploaded, and updated!
Also, for those who don't follow us on Twitter or Facebook, we've reduced prices on all the items in the Cloudscratcher store! And hey, if the Patreon goes well enough, we might be able to drop the prices even more! For now, enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

March 3, 2015
Hey all! New Cloudscratcher comin' your way! We meet a new, major player in the Cloudscratcher world this week, and it looks like an old villain isn't having such a good day!
Heads up; there won't be an update next week. We're taking some time off to devote time to fixing the Comic Chameleon debacle. Also, be sure to follow me on twitter, since I post all alerts relating to Cloudscratcher updates, possible delays, and the fixing of other technical issues there.
Also, be sure to check the FAQS & Info section for the Special Thanks section!
--Cody Baier

February 22, 2015
Hi folks! Just one new page this week, since this page ends this scene and I didn't want to end the update in the middle of another scene. Also, we're having some technical difficulties on the Comic Chameleon app, in case you were wondering if we were aware of it. We are in the process of fixing it!
Remember, if you like the comic, be sure to like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter and Tumblr! And if you want to help support the comic (and help me produce more comic pages per update), click the link to the right and donate to the Cloudscratcher Patreon!
--Cody Baier

February 13, 2015
Hey all! Another Cloudscratcher update for you and your's! Next week may or may not be another one-pager. Depends on how much time I can get to work on the update after I get back from my trip. In the meantime, enjoy!
--Cody Baier

February 8, 2015
Hi everyone! New Cloudscratcher for y'all! This week and next week will be single page updates, since I'll be taking a trip out of town. Also, big thanks to everyone who's donated to the Cloudscratcher Patreon so far! We'll be adding the Special Thanks section for the $20+ patrons at the end of the month!
--Cody Baier

February 1, 2015
Hi everyone! I come bearing new pages, and a big announcement! Cloudscratcher is now on Patreon! You may have noticed all the smaller, and even missed, updates. This is due to other obligations that take up too much of my time. The kind of obligations that pay my bills and such. But, if you guys show your support by donating to the Cloudscrather Patreon, we can work toward no longer needing that other work, allowing me to focus on Cloudscratcher! What does that mean? That means more pages per update, and less missed updates! Not to mention more content for the site, and even more rewards for patrons!
Every little bit helps, I can't stress that enough. If all of you guys only donated a dollar a month, that would help the comic immensely. If you want to support Cloudscratcher, see it grow, and help me to share even more adventures of the Cloudscratcher crew for years to come, please show your support!
--Cody Baier

January 26, 2015
Another week goes by, and you folks getcherselves a brand new heaping helping of Cloudscratcher! Check that Latest Pages button then when you're done be sure to follow us on tumblr, twitter, facebook, all that good stuff!
--Cody Baier

January 18, 2015
Hi all! More pages fresh out of the oven, just for you! Just a head's up; next week's update will be a one-pager. Luckily that page ends this scene, so it all works out!

January 12, 2015
Sorry for the day late update, everyone. 2015 has been started pretty crappy... Like I said before, my illness prevented me from being able to have a fresh update ready this week, so I was gonna give you guys something to hold you over. So, I did! The cover page, as well as the first five pages, of Chapter 1 have been replaced with the remastered versions that will appear in the upcoming Cloudscratcher book! So if you want to see what kind of changes you can expect from the book, take a look back to the beginning of Cloudscratcher, now with a shiny new coat of paint!
Also, I'd love to hear what you think of the comic so far! If you want to let your opinions be heard, tweet me, drop me a message on the Cloudscratcher Facebook, or speak your mind on our forums!
--Cody Baier

January 5, 2015
Hi all! Sorry to be tardy on our first week back, but we seem to be ringing in the new year with a voodoo curse, as I have been stricken with both a muscle injury and a severe flu! Hooray! I may not even be able to squeeze out an update next week... If not, I'll try to have SOME content for you guys next week. Now, please enjoy the beginning to Chapter eight, episode 3, and I'm gonna go take a lot of medication and get some sleep...!
--Cody Baier

December 9, 2014
Hey folks! Kevin here, just doing a quick check-in.
I know you all are eargly awaiting the continuation of the comic come January 4th, but that doesn't mean we don't have any other news to share!
As previously stated by Cody, the Cloudscratcher video game is indeed in development (with yours truly at the helm of programming). While the current state of the game isn't even remotely close to being considered an "alpha " build, we thought it would be fun to share a few screen grabs of the work in progress and show off just how much of a "NES " look we're going for with this game:

Give him a tool and Felix is handy with just about anything! Look at him using that wrench of his as a hammer, pounding away at the invisible, floating toaster! He can fix ANYTHING!

All that military training leads up to Ixia's final FINAL test, Jumping around on boxes! It's tough, but don't worry though, we've played enough modern day AAA games to know how important 165+ tutorials before the start of the actual game so you won't jump in unprepared.

This game isn't going to be all jumping and smacking though. After all, what kind of a high-flying adventure would Cloudscratcher be if it's own game didn't allow you to participate in some high-flying action?
In keeping with the retro feel, We're planning on adding some variety with sections of the game reminiscent of classic shoot-em ups like Xevious and 1943: The Battle of Midway (one of my personal favorites!). In fact, what you're seeing here ARE a few sprites from 1943, aren't they? Yeah, but like I said, this is FAR from an alpha build and those sprites are mainly for development and experimental purposes. Those extra blocks you see with the letter represent some experimental power-ups, but we'll divulge the details a little later ;)
Now I'd like to reiterate this is a game currently in devleopment so all the stuff I talked about is well subject to change. We can't promise anything when it comes to features, but we CAN promise that when the time comes to drop the final production, it's gonna be a real treat for all you wonderful fans and gamers alike!
Speaking of fans...
Be sure to checkout the recently launched Facebook page where you can find more exciting news and updates! Be sure to like and follow, and encourage your friends to check us out as well!
That's all for now everyone! Until next time!
--Kevin Markey

November 16, 2014
Hey everyone! Remember that announcement I promised? Well here it is:
A Cloudscratcher video game for the PC is currently in development!
The game will be styled like the Capcom Disney tie-in games of the NES, with unique gameplay mechanics I won't be revealing just yet! We're currently working on the graphics, and fine tuning the game engine. Next week, we'll be sharing with you some previews! Stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

November 10, 2014
And with that, Chapter 7 and Episode 2 comes to a close! Not only that, but the comic itself will be going on hiatus until the first Sunday of 2015. But not to worry! Though there won't be any more comic pages for the next month and a half, don't think I'm leaving you guys high and dry! First, you might wanna start following the official Cloudscratcher tumblr, as we'll be posting regular previews for the upcoming remastered Visitors and Venom book! Not only that, but we'll be revealing--and providing sneak peeks for--the super secret Cloudscratcher project that is gonna blow your minds! That's right, a super awesome secret project, and if you come on by next Sunday, you'll find out what it is! We'll also be posting some extra bonus content in the interim, as well! I'm not simply going to abandon this site, and all you guys, until next year!
So why the long break? Well you may have noticed the late updates have been getting more frequent. That's due to some obligations I need to devote time to and take care of. Also, I need to be able to devote time to getting those Episode 1 pages remastered for the book. After this hiatus, hopefully the book will be ready for purchase, or at least close to it!
And next year, we'll be jumping right into Episode 3! Now that the story that carried Episodes 1 and 2 has been concluded, Episode 3 will be the first "business as usual " story, introducing a new villain I think you guys are gonna get a kick out of! Of course, that's not to say it's the last time we'll be seeing Borzax and the West Bravo crew...
So, enjoy the conclusion to Episode 2!
--Cody Baier

November 3, 2014
More Cloudscratcher goodness for you folks! And with this update, there's only ONE MORE UPDATE until the end of Episode 2!
--Cody Baier

October 27, 2014
Hi all! It's Cloudscratcher time! Another update, another turn of events! This week we learn a little bit about the world of Cloudscratcher, and we find out if Borzax's hunch was right!
--Cody Baier

October 19, 2014
Hi everybody! We got an update, and some news! This week is a one page update, and for a special reason; looking at the script, after this page, the rest of the chapter follows a two-page-a-scene format that leads us right to the end of Chapter 7, and Episode 2. Starting next week, there's only 3 more updates left before Chapter 7 comes to an end! After that, the comic will be going on a hiatus while I work on the Cloudscratcher book, and develop a backlog. But don't you worry, folks, when the hiatus comes, we'll be dropping some major bombshells, and previewing some upcoming content! I won't be leaving you guys high and dry!
--Cody Baier

October 6, 2014
Hi everyone! Big update this week, leaving y'all on a cliffhanger, and the return of a popular side character!
In other news, the comic will be taking a break next week so I can focus on getting other work done. That stomach flu really set me back, so sadly I have to take a week off Cloudscratcher to catch up on everything else. Updates resume the following week!
--Cody Baier

September 28nd, 2014
Hi readers! Another week, another update! Things sure are looking pretty drastic for our heroes! How ever will they get themselves out of this jam?!
--Cody Baier

September 22nd, 2014
Hi there, folks! Sorry about the late update, I've been battling a nasty stomach flu. It may or may not cause update shenanigans next week, too. Probably not, but just in case, I wanted to give you all a heads up. This week's only one page due to the flu knocking me on my keister while I was working on the second page. Luckily this page works on its own.
In other news, Cloudscratcher will soon be available on the mobile webcomic app Comic Chameleon! Hopefully by next update it should be up and running, and you can read Cloudscratcher on the go!
--Cody Baier

September 9th, 2014
Hey y'all! For those who don't check my twitter (AKA "the uncool kids "), the update was a day late due to a hefty workload on my part. But now, your beautiful, wonderful pages are here! Surely, with Felix's secret weapon, our heroes will easily turn the tables on Borzax and his men! Surely nothing can go wrong! Surely!
--Cody Baier

September 7th, 2014
Hey guys and gals! You're probably wondering where the heck last week's and this week's update is right? Well unfortunately we've had to delay due to some hefty workloads on Cody's part and not telling everyone about it before I went out of town last weekend on my part, to which I offer my sincere apologies.
In addition, another out-of-town adventure on BOTH our parts may lead to another week of a non-update, sorry :(
Just keep an eye out on here, the creator's Twitter and the official Tumblr for any other developments. On a side note, believe me, 'huge announcements' will most certianly be worth the wait ;)
--Kevin Markey

August 24th, 2014
Hey everyone! Is updat tiem! Just one page this week, though. I didn't like the way it felt leaving it off with the page after this one, and I feel if I had released both, the stronger page would've come first. So I left this one alone to have its impact, and let the next two sit together in a set, which feels like it flows better anyway.
And stay tuned; in the coming weeks, we're announcing something huge!
--Cody Baier

August 10th, 2014
Hi everyone! Another batch of pages for y'all! And a big thanks to the Webcomic Alliance for making Cloudscratcher its pick of the month for August! Next week, sadly, we'll be skipping another update so I can catch up with my other obligations, and all the work I'm missing due to Otakon. After that, I should be back on schedule!
--Cody Baier

July 28th, 2014
Day late, folks, sorry about that... But, I think this update'll be worth the wait! Fresh new action-packed pages just waiting to be read! Check 'em out!
--Cody Baier

July 20th, 2014
Another action-packed update as the climactic battle of episode 2 continues! And if that wasn't enough, there's all new items in the Cloudscratcher store! Not only is a whole new shirt design available, but we're now selling iPhone and iPad cases, tote bags, and stickers! Get it while it's hot!
--Cody Baier

July 13th, 2014
Hey peoples! Fresh new Cloudscratcher page is here! Again, only one page because of my trip, but it's a doozy of a page!
--Cody Baier

July 6th, 2014
Another Cloudscratcher update is here! Quck note: I'll be going out of town again, so next week will be a one-page update. I leave on Wednesday, so that's all I have time to get done, sadly.
--Cody Baier

June 30th, 2014
Hey dudes and dudettes! Sorry about the late update, but getting home from my trip was quite the adventure! But, finally, I'm back, the pages are finished, and ready to enjoy! Also, I'll be releasing some new t-shirt designs in the near future, so stay tuned for that!
--Cody Baier

June 22nd, 2014
Hey, folks! Sad to say, no update this week. I have to go out of town, and I had just under the time needed to finish the pages to get ready for the trip. Luckily, when I get back I can finish off that last bit of work and have the update ready for next week! Thanks for your patience, and stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

June 13th, 2014
Hey everyone! Another update is here, full of excitement, fun times, and cool stuff!
--Cody Baier

June 8th, 2014
It's update time again! It may only be one page this week, but I made darn sure it was a doozy of a page! So, enjoy, folks!!
--Cody Baier

June 3rd, 2014
Hey, hep cats! Another groovy Cloudscratcher update is here, heralding the start of Episode 2's exciting climax! We're a little late with this update thanks to life being life, but never you worry; we're still here! Also, a head's up; next week's update will only have one page due to said life being life, but after that it'll hopefully be smooth sailing all the way toward the end of Chapter 7 and Episode 2!
--Cody Baier

May 25th, 2014
Hey dudes and dudettes! There's a radical new update ready for some totally rad reading! We're diving headfirst into the exciting climax of episode 2! If you thought the climactic scene of episode 1 was exciting, you ain't seen nothin' yet!
And don't forget to voice your opinion on the forums, check out the stylish Cloudscratcher shirts at the store, and if you like the comic, help support it by donating using the button at the bottom of the menu!
--Cody Baier

May 18th, 2014
Hey everyone! A new page this week just for you! Why just one? No, it's not because of any setbacks or anything. This page is the last one for the events in Ixia's house, and the following page is in the middle of a scene. So I went with one page this week for good storytelling feng shuei. And don't forget the Cloudscratcher store is now open for business!
--Cody Baier

May 13th, 2014
Hey folks, big news! First of all, as you can see, Cloudscratcher is back from its two week hiatus with a fresh batch of pages! Plural! But that's not all; the Cloudscratcher store is open for business! Currently we have three shirts available (in a variety of styles and colors. Even hoodies, and onesies for babies!), but if they sell well enough we'll be expanding to iPod cases, posters, stickers, you name it! And, of course, more shirts!
--Cody Baier

May 5th, 2014
In case youӲe wondering where the newest update has been, IӬl be skipping this week in order to generate a backlog in case another mess like what happened the end of April happens again. Thank you all so much for your patience, and look forward to the brand new update this coming Sunday!
--Cody Baier

April 20th, 2014
From the looks of things, there won't be an update next week. But this week, we got some juicy plot developments to hold you guys over! Thanks for your patience, and enjoy the update!
--Cody Baier

April 13th, 2014
Another update, sadly only one page. Due to a flu (and throat infection), and me being out of town next week, in order to keep the updates coming I'll be splitting the pages into 3 one-page updates. After my trip, the comic will resume multi-page updates. Thanks again for your patience!
--Cody Baier

April 8th, 2014
A new update is here, everyone! A new page, and a new piece of fanart! Enjoy the juicy new story tidbits, and remember to donate if you want to help keep Cloudscratcher up and running, and post on our forums to let us know what you think!
--Cody Baier

March 30th, 2014
And here we are with another Sunday full of Cloudscratcher goodness! We're doing another two weeks of one page updates so I can have some time to work on the book. Thanks again for your patience, everyone!
--Cody Baier

March 22nd, 2014
Break time's over, everyone! Chapter 7 begins now, as we dive headfirst into the conclusion to 72 Hours! And remember, if you like the comic, help support it with a donation, and if you want to voice your opinion on the comic, let me know how you feel on the Cloudscratcher forums!
--Cody Baier

March 10th, 2014
Sorry for being a day late, but the update is here! We'll be taking a week off before the start of Chapter 7 to get some work done on the upcoming book, but the following week we're hitting the ground running with the climactic conclusion to Episode 2!
--Cody Baier

March 2nd, 2014
Hey all you happy people! Another update! Making this a one-pager (I've been doing way too many of those recently, I don't like it...) to keep the flow of the scenes. There's only two more pages left in the chapter, and they need to be bunched together. Plus, this page ends the current scene. So, everything flows better this way. And after that, Chapter 7 begins!
--Cody Baier

February 24th, 2014
New update is here, everyone! The plot thickens yet again as Ixia finally makes it home! Stay tuned, because the next update (or the one that follows, depending on how much time I can get) will mark the end of Chapter 6! And if you want to help support Cloudscratcher, drop us a donation using the button on the lower left, Your donations help keep the comic alive!
--Cody Baier

February 16th, 2014
The conspiracy continues in this week's brand-spankin'-new Cloudscratcher page! And if you like what you see, don't forget to vote for Cloudscratcher on the Top Webcomics List by clicking that big ol' VOTE button below!
--Cody Baier

February 9th, 2014
Hey all! This week and next week's updates will be just one page, due to some real life obligations sucking up my time (and since this comic ain't payin' for itself). However, it's just a few more updates before Chapter 6 comes to a close! And if you thought Chapter 4 was something, the climax to Episode 2 in Chapter 7 will knock you off your seats!
--Cody Baier

February 2nd, 2014
Aaaaand we're back! Sorry for the hold-up, everyone, but the new pages are here!
--Cody Baier

January 13th, 2014
Another week, another update, another batch of juicy plot developments! Also, a heads up; there won't be any new pages next week. I won't have much time to draw next week, and I'm afraid I'll have to spend what time I do have on my professional obligations (because until Cloudscratcher starts making me some money, I'll have to keep up the odd drawing jobs to get by).
--Cody Baier

January 6th, 2014
Sorry for the day late, everyone, but the new pages are here! Got an opinion on these new pages, or the comic as a whole? Sound off on what you think in the forums! Or check out the Cloudscratcher tumblr for exclusive sneak peeks (or just ask me a question about the comic)! Or you can follow me on Twitter for Cloudscratcher updates, and all my inane ramblings! And if you really like Cloudscratcher, feel free to drop us a donation by clicking that handsome little yellow button to the left! Every little bit helps keep the comic afloat!
--Cody Baier

December 29th, 2013
Hey all! Because of the hectic Christmas week, I can only bring you one page this week. Thankfully, with the holidays over with, this should be the last one page week. Also this page wraps up the diner scene nice and neatly, so it's not leaving you off mid-scene.
--Cody Baier

December 15th, 2013
Two new pages for yew! And a little heads up for y'all; there won't be any pages next week. I'll be out of town all week, and won't be able to work on pages.
--Cody Baier

December 9th, 2013
What's that?! Only one page this week? Well, long story short, I didn't like how the update would turn out if it ended on Page 6, which cuts to another scene and ends in the middle of it. Not a good place to leave off on an update. Along with this week's page, keep your eyes on the Cloudscratcher tumblr, as throughout the week I'll be posting some cool extras!
--Cody Baier

December 2nd, 2013
Another week, another batch of pages! But that's not all, y'all! Allow me to introduce the Cloudscratcher Tumblr! What's so special about that, you ask? For starters, all you readers on tumblr can drop me a question about the comic any time! Secondly, because I'm not one for pointless crap and redundancy, there'll be exclusive content you'll get to see only on the tumblr, including sneak peaks of the remastered artwork for the upcoming Cloudscratcher book! So follow Cloudscratcher on tumblr, join the forums, and become a part of the adventure!
--Cody Baier

November 18, 2013
Didn't make my deadline thanks to some last minute complications, but the new pages are here! Really proud of these, too! If you think you can guess which album cover the Chapter 6 cover page is referencing, drop your guesses on the update thread in the forums! I'm curious if anyone will get this one...
--Cody Baier

November 10, 2013
Hey everyone! No new pages this week due to time constraints (and getting the chapter cover to look right), but to give you guys some actual content, I've added a few new character bios to the Characters page! And next week, Chapter 6 begins!
--Cody Baier

November 2, 2013
And with this week's update, Chapter 5 comes to a close. I wanted to end an otherwise heavy chapter with something a little lighthearted and nice. Next update brings us to Chapter 6, which promises to be an exciting and suspenseful chapter!
--Cody Baier

October 21, 2013
Hello, readers and readettes! We have a fresh new batch of pages ready for your eye holes to transmit to your think meats! And be sure to voice your opinions on the newest developments on our fresh, new forum!
--Cody Baier

October 14, 2013
Hey everyone, it's one of those "pageless updates " you only hear about in hushed whispers full of exasperation! But this one's special! THE CLOUDSCRATCHER FORUMS ARE NOW LIVE! Jump right in and tell me everything I've done wrong (or right, whichever)! Or, heck, just chat it up with other Cloudscratcher fans! Point is, I wanna hear from you!
--Cody Baier

October 7, 2013
A new update, everyone! A much more uplifting one to bring you folks up from last week, complete with some motivational speeches, and teeth-rotting cuteness!
--Cody Baier

September 29, 2013
I wish I could've fit one more page into this update. I feel like it leaves on a dour note... Oh well, stay tuned next week for a rousing speech! Until then, enjoy this plot reveal, everyone!
--Cody Baier

September 19, 2013
Hi everyone! Sorry about the missed update, but Yahoo mail is being strange, and I didn't receive one of these pages for days (despite the fact it was sent to me).
While we work on getting that forum up and running, I'd also like to announce that, starting within the coming weeks, we'll be starting production on print editions of the Visitors and Venom storyline. Now, these won't be just print-outs of the same stuff you can read on this website for free! We'll be going over all the old pages, touching up the artwork (I find I can't bring myself to even go back and look at half of them...), improve the coloring, redrawing a few things, and helping make the old artwork blend in with the current pages (which including tweaking eyes, and adding in the thick outlining on the characters). We'll even be adding in some extra content!
When it's all said and done, the Visitors and Venom books will be worth every penny! Until then, enjoy the new pages, and another piece of fan art!
--Cody Baier

September 8, 2013
Hey everyone! We had to take a week off to fix some website issues, but we're good to go now! This week we've got 2 new pages, and a cool piece of fan art in the gallery!
You may have noticed the delightful new Donate button. I figured I'd give you folks the option to support the comic if you so desire. If not, that's fine, of course. But, maintaining this comic costs money, and I've had to take up art jobs to get said money that have taken up Cloudscratcherin' time (and contributing to some of the delays). And let me assure you all; any money you donate will go to the comic, and only to the comic. Website fees, saving up to hire extra artists to help speed up production, or just paying bills I don't have to take extra art jobs to pay (and thus making more time for Cloudscratcher). Your donations will not be going to buying me video games, anime DVDs, or any other pointless crap.
And no, I'm not going all like "oh god if you don 't give me all your money CLOUDSCRATCHER WILL DIE! Just saying if you wanna help out, you now have the option to do so!
--Cody Baier

August 26, 2013
Sorry for the lateness everyone, but as I said on Twitter, a combination of making these pages look good, and doing the drawings that actually pay bills created a delay, but we're not missing a week! The update is here for you to enjoy!
--Cody Baier

August 17, 2013
Sorry for the delay, folks! Sadly, Cloudscratcher doesn't make me any money, so I have to prioritize the drawings that do... But, now the update is here! And you'll also be happy to know we've got forums in the works! Hopefully, before October, the Cloudscratcher forums will be up and running!
--Cody Baier

July 29, 2013
Hey, everyone! Update's late, since the pages didn't come to me until late, sadly, but the update IS here! New pages for your enjoyment! Some quick updates:
New forums are in the works. Fingers crossed, it should be up within the month. Also, there'll be another missed update next week. Colorist is gonna be unavailable. Also, gonna apologize in advance for any future late updates. I got a penciling gig that has to take priority.
--Cody Baier

July 15, 2013
Hi everyone! A couple new pages, and some news! First of all, I'm currently working on getting a forum for the site set up, so look forward to that! Also, there won't be an update next week due to personal reasons. But fear not, as Cloudscratcher shall return the following week!
--Cody Baier

July 2, 2013
Hey, folks! With this update we dive right into Chapter 5, as well as Episode 2: 72 Hours! Get ready, because this Episode is going to get even more intense than the first!
I'd also like to address something; it seems like Cloudscratcher has attracted a fair share of engineering enthusiasts! Now, I love that you guys are enjoying the comic, and I hope you continue to do so! However, I've received multiple, very veeery large dissertations on everything physically wrong with the aircrafts in Cloudscratcher. I appreciate the help, guys, but try to remember this comic is designed to feel like a cartoon, is set in a fantasy world. and is largely inspired by Crimson Skies. A little suspension of disbelief is in order.
--Cody Baier

June 23, 2013
Here it is, folks! The final pages for Chapter 4! Next week, we jump into Chapter 5, and the second story arc (or "Episode"). Episode 2 is a direct follow up from the events of Visitors and Venom, but the stakes this time are a lot more personal, and the Cloudscratcher Crew is going to see, first hand, why Borzax is as feared as he is! Stay tuned, everyone! Things are gonna get wild!
--Cody Baier

June 17, 2013
Sorry for the lateness folks! Got good news and bad news. Bad news is there's no pages this week. Long story, but there were setbacks. Good news is I hunkered down and made sure you folks got some content. So, without further ado, I present you with THE CHARACTERS PAGE!
That's right, all the characters (with the exception of Scotty, but that's coming soon) now have their bios up on the brand spankin' new characters page! With that, all the "COMING SOON" pages are up, and all that remains is to get this li'l ol' site a forum so I can hear directly from all you guys! In the meantime, head on over to the CHARACTERS page and learn a little something about all your favorite characters!
--Cody Baier

June 9, 2013
New pages are here! Chapter 4 is winding to a close, folks! We're almost to the end of the first story arc! Get hype, people!
--Cody Baier

June 2, 2013
New pages, folks! For those not watching my twitter, page 28 was originally a disaster, so I scrapped it and started over. There was going to be extra pages this week, but I got smashed with a nasty cold... But, new pages are here for your reading pleasure!
--Cody Baier

May 19, 2013
Day late, I know... That's what happens when it's only technically still Saturday when I get the pages back. Anyway, new pages are here! Looks like this story's all wrapped up! An easy time for our heroes, eh? Or is it...?
--Cody Baier

May 12, 2013
Hey, folks! We had to take a week off to get back on schedule, but now we're back on schedule! I was going to put up some extra pages, but this week we're gonna do a normal sized update, use the fact that we're ahead of schedule to stay on schedule, and see where next week takes us. It'll either be extra pages next week, or we'll use the surplus to avoid future delays.
Also, we'll be starting up an RSS feed in the very near future, and the character's page should be up and running very soon as well (the graphics are all done, I just need to draw the characters for their profiles).
--Cody Baier

April 30, 2013
Yikes, this update sure is late! Sorry, folks, but here ya go! Two fresh, exciting new pages! A little late, but they're here! And I think you folks are gonna like these!
In other news, I recently checked the site's traffic, and found that the hits have been on a steady incline, with over a thousand unique hits last month and over 1200 return visitors. For a webcomic that's less than a year old, that's not too shabby! But I can't take the credit for that one, so I just wanted to take time out and say thank you to all the readers, old and new! I wouldn't be making this thing if other folks couldn't enjoy it, and you guys make it worthwhile!
--Cody Baier

April 20, 2013
Howdy folks! Hate to say it, but there's gonna be yet another delay. Thankfully, there are no backstage shenanigans at work here this time. I just underestimated how long it would take to draw these pages (the interior of the bomber is detailed, folks). I set aside time for these pages, along with other projects (the kind that make me some actual money), as well as some breaks in all my work for a little Injustice (great game, by the way), and just didn't give myself enough time. Hopefully this will be the last week with no new pages for a long while.
Since there's no pages, allow me to compensate with a little bit of updates on some site-related news; the Characters page should be online in a couple weeks. Got the fine folks at SRFN working on some shnazzy graphics for that. Also looking into setting up an RSS feed, and a forum (in that order) for the site, as well. Follow me on Twitter for any future site-related news, as well!
--Cody Baier

April 13, 2013
Finally! After a grueling amount of behind-the-scenes shinaneganry, the new pages are finally here! Enjoy this big ol' batch of pages, bringing us to the exciting climax of the first story arc! It's a pagestravaganza, all for you!
--Cody Baier

March 26, 2013
Okay, so, I don't know what the deal with my colorist is right now, so while I'm STILL waiting on those pages, I figure I'd give you folks something to wet your whistle. So, without further ado, let me announce the unveiling of THE GALLERY PAGE!
Yup, just click the Gallery button to your left, there, and that old "coming soon" eyesore should be replaced with a dandy gallery of various pretty pictures for you folks to enjoy! Regular art, production art, and even fan art! I'm sorry there's no new pages for you guys, but I hope you'll enjoy this as something to tide you guys over. And just know I'm probably even mroe annoyed by this than you are. So, while I go bust some heads, you enjoy the brand new art gallery! And if you'd like to send some fan art of your own to be added to the fan art section, feel free to send me an email!
--Cody Baier

March 16, 2013
Two weeks without new pages?! Say whaaaaa-?!
Well, folks, I figured you guys deserved an explanation. The short story is last week I had to take time off to devote to my professional work, and this week my colorist's computer is shot, so the pages won't be ready for today's update. Since it'll take a few days, we're just skipping this week. Thankfully, my computer is NOT shot, so I'll continue to work on new pages while his gets fixed, which should hopefully mean a nice, big update next Saturday full o' pages. Thanks for your patience, folks, and I think you're really gonna enjoy the next update!
--Cody Baier

March 1, 2013
Waddup all you dawgs and dawgettes! Another week, another update! 2 new pages for you to enjoy! Go get 'em!
--Cody Baier

February 27, 2013
No pages?! What?! Well, first, we're debuting the super shnazzy graphics! Look at this super sexy new site layout! Pretty great, eh? As for the pages, the problems are twofold; for those who don't know, I also draw for money. Professional art work, and what not. Well, I got a big job I was hired for, and I'm running behind on it, so I had to devote more time to that. To make matters worse, my colorist landed himself in the hospital (don't worry, he's fine). So it's been pretty crazy. Not to worry; new pages will be here next week!
And don't forget to follow me on Twitter, as I'll be informing you folks of future news, updates and delays there, too! Also sometimes I ramble my random, cynical thoughts, but you don't have to read those. Those aren't important.!
--Cody Baier

Sorry about the delay folks, as you may or may not of guessed a few technical issues made the update take a little longer than expected. Now let me just say that although we've got some pleasant new visuals, the updates aren't gonna COMPLETELY stop there. As with Cody, outside work and personal life takes it's priorities over Cloudscratcher, but whenever I get the chance (and believe me, I'm always looking for chances) I'm looking into ways to improve the quality of the site and make things much more enojoyable and efficient on the both the back and front-end.
Needless to say, we've got quite a few ideas in place in terms of additions and while I can't say when things will all come completely together, I can definitely say (as much as it is a cop-out phrase) we're working on it.
That's all I'd like to add really, just keep an eye out here or on Twitter for any news, and thank you once again for your patience and your continued readership!
--Kevin Markey

February 16, 2013
New pages, folks! And stay tunes, because next update you're all in for a big surprise, as the site's getting a massive graphical update! Whoo!
--Cody Baier

February 9, 2013
Last minute update ho! 2 new pages for y'all! And stay tuned; I gots mah graphics guys whippin' up some shnazzy new duds for the site!
--Cody Baier

February 3, 2013
Sorry for the late update, folks. Yahoo Mail has become quite a problem (apparently it's allergic to Mediafire links, now). Well, enjoy the new pages! And then the Superbowl!
--Cody Baier

January 26, 2013
Hey, folks! Got some shnazzy new website graphics in the works. Once this new renovation is complete, the Characters and Gallery pages are next on the to-do list! In the meantime, enjoy the two new comic pages!
--Cody Baier

January 19, 2013
New pages, folks! But that's not the only thing that's new. At the behest of my colorist, I'm changing the update date to Saturday, instead of Friday. This helps him out, since Friday is a bad day for him due to his job. Since he works at a methadone clinic, which is a way more important job than working on my little cartoony webcomic, I'm more than willing to accommodate. So update your calendars, folks! Updates are on Saturday, now!
--Cody Baier

January 12, 2013
Sorry folks, no pages this week. Why? Well, I felt I should post this update because you guys--the readers--deserve to know what's up. This won't be a long-winded explanation, mind you, just a frank update. Currently, I have one finished page ready to go. I considered doing a 1 page update, but after asking several people if I should do this, the consensus was to hold off, and wait a week. I'm putting extra effort into these pages, because I really want to convey the look and feel of Felisburg to the audience to the best of my ability. I don't believe in coasting, or putting half the effort into something just to make for a quick update, or because I don't want to put X amount of work into this comic because work is hard. While I may cut myself more slack on Cloudscratcher than I do my professional art work, I still push to constantly improve the quality of the comic, and to always bring you guys the best comic I can bring you. Because of that, I decided to hold off for a week to ensure the quality of these next pages (they're quite detailed, and I want to make sure that the details are crisp, clean, and effective). Hopefully that'll also mean a bigger update next week.
Thanks for your patience, guys! I really think you're gonna like the next batch!!
--Cody Baier

January 5, 2013
Whew. Late update, I know, but it's been crazy. Between all the holiday chaos, and me getting sick after Christmas (I like to think of it as an extra Christmas present from the family. Not quite sure why I think of it like that), things have been hectic. But, hey, guess what? Chapter 4 has begun, folks!
--Cody Baier

December 24, 2012
It's a Christmas Miracle! And by miracle, I mean "update"! And by update, I mean more pages! And by more pages, I mean an additional batch of pages to add to what has already been published online! With this update, Chapter 3 comes to a close. Stay tuned, because after the holidays, the final chapter of the Visitors and Venom story arc begins!
--Cody Baier

December 14, 2012
Hey folks! Sadly, no pages this week. Why? Well pay attention, 'cause this is important!
When I come up to a new chapter, I like to end with one update, and start the next chapter with the next update. As it stands, if I updated now, I'd have one page left over and a messy transition from chapter 3 to chapter 4. So I'm holding off 'till next week, which will mark the end of Chapter 3 (and the end of all the comic's setup, to boot), and lead us into the beginning of Chapter 4, which serves as the final chapter in the Visitors and Venom story arc.
Following that, we'll be taking a week off again, this time for Christmas. I really hate missing all these weeks, but the Holiday season is rough for us, and doesn't leave me with much time to comic. Even though this isn't my job, I don't like to be unprofessional. However, stay tuned, as when 2013 kicks off, I'll be working on some swag new additions. From finally adding those "Coming Soon" sections, to a full-blown forum! Don't miss it!
--Cody Baier

December 7, 2012
So who wants to hear the dumbest story ever told?
Last weekend, I'm sitting there, waiting for my colorist to send me the next page. As Monday approaches, I start getting impatient, intending on contacting him to ask where the blank my pages are. However, while checking my Sent Items in my email for an unrelated reason, I noticed something; the last email sent to my colorist wasn't the latest page, but the one before it.
Then came the feeling like an idiot...
Luckily, my colorist managed to rush out the forgotten page, as well as the one that I was working on. So, last week's lack of an update was totally my stupid fault, and I apologize.
--Cody Baier

November 23, 2012
No pages this week, everybody. The Cloudscratcher crew (the real ones, not the fictional characters) are taking the week off for Thanksgiving. Since this update will go live afterward, I hope all of you folks had a good Thanksgiving! If you're not living in the U.S., or you just hate America, I hope you folks had a good Thursday!
--Cody Baier

November 16, 2012
Update's here, folks! This week, we're introduced to another member of the Cloudscratcher crew! And, I'm not gonna lie, these were a few of my favorite pages to do.
--Cody Baier

November 10, 2012
Mother nature wanted to say "no", we said "yes"! Okay, that was terrible, but I save my good stuff for the comic, anyway. New pages are here! Not a super-sized bunch, sadly, but we managed to get the job done!
--Cody Baier

October 26, 2012
Sorry for the week off, folks! The colorist couldn't make the last deadline, and since he works in the medical profession, I figure his real job is more important than this silly comic. So, this week, it's an extra-large update! Also, forewarning; if there's no update next week, you can blame that on Hurricane Sandy, which is coming my way.
--Cody Baier

October 12, 2012
And so, the update is here! Sadly, my cold was a bit more ferocious than I was expecting, so I wasn't able to get the extra work done I was planning to do. So, this week's update is standard size. The good news is I'm a few pages ahead of schedule in regards to the ones that haven't been colored yet, so hopefully next week's update should make for that larger-than-average update I was shooting to put up this week. Fingers crossed! Also, keep your eyes on my deviantArt gallery (you can find the link on the Contact page), as I'll be adding a few Cloudscratcher-related goodies as a preview of the upcoming gallery page!
--Cody Baier

September 29, 2012
Geez, with all these day-late updates, you'd think the update day was Saturday...
This week was supposed to be a 3-page update, but I've been majorly set back by a nasty cold that's knocked me off my feet. Speaking of which, because of this, there won't be an update next week. Due to this cold, I won't be able to prepare enough pages next week to merit an update. However, the following week will be a super-sized update, and should put things back on schedule, to boot! So, while I apologize for the delay, this should get a lot of things back on track, and give me time to recover. In the meantime, enjoy this update, and look forward to the next one, where the plot will begin to thicken!
--Cody Baier

September 22, 2012
Sorry for the late update, but the next batch of pages is here!
--Cody Baier

September 14, 2012
Another week, another new batch of pages, as we check back in with Borzax and the West Bravo crew. For those of you wondering what's up with the Gallery and Characters pages, for the latter, I'm putting that page up later than initially expected. I'm going to be commissioning some shnazzy new graphics for that page to make the profiles look better than I was initially going to have them look. So consider that page on "Valve Time." As for the Gallery Page, I'm holding off until I get some more pictures to show than just pre-production sketches and such. So stay tuned!
--Cody Baier

September 10, 2012
Sorry for the late update, folks, we're still recovering from the big debacle from earlier. But, the wait is over, and chapter 3 begins now!
--Cody Baier

September 2, 2012
Hey, folks, the pages are finally here! Sorry again for all the crap I've put you guys through. It was out of my control, but I still acknowledge that it was a huge pain in the behind for all my readers! So, here's the update you've been waiting for; all the remaining pages in Chapter 2! Stay tuned next week when we kick off chapter 3!
--Cody Baier

August 26, 2012
Hey, folks! Sorry for all the weeks without updates, but, unfortunately, I've been saddled with a terrible machine that likes to spontaneously die (which reminds me; readers, do not buy Gateway all-in-one PCs. They are defective as all get-out, and will cause you nothing but grief and destroy your wallet). Sadly, there's no new pages to bring you, but I can report that my computer is fixed, and all the pages I've done in the interim are now in my colorist's hands being worked on. The next update will contain all the remaining pages from chapter 2, either all in one update, or in back-to-back updates over the weekend.
So let me just say thank you for your patience! To everyone still checking back, it means a lot!
--Cody Baier

August 5, 2012
Due to technical difficulties (i.e: one burnt out computer!) The latest Cloudscratcher updates will unfortunately be delayed for another 2-3 weeks, so no new pages this Friday folks.
We apologize for this inconvenience, and hope to get things running back and proper as soon as possible. In the meantime, know that new pages are still being drawn so you all will have plenty to look forward to once the adventure continues!
--Kevin Markey

August 3, 2012
New batch of pages this week! Sorry about the week off, folks, but I had to get working on some pictures to sell at Otakon, and the convention itself pretty much took everything out of me. But, now we're back on track! So, enjoy the pages!
--Cody Baier

July 20, 2012
Another week, another update, as Borzax's wicked plan comes to light!
And don't forget; if you're enjoying the comic, be sure to show your support and vote for Cloudscratcher on the Top Webcomics List using the button at the bottom of the side menu!!
--Cody Baier

July 13, 2012
Another Friday, another batch of pages! The tension mounts as our antagonists reveal their hand! Check it out!
--Cody Baier

July 6, 2012
And with this week, our most dastardly villain makes his debut! Also making its debut? The contact page! Got something to say? Head on over there!
--Cody Baier

July 2, 2012
The update train chugs along! Two more pages to make up for last week, and stay tuned for this Friday, when the antagonist himself finally makes his formal appearance!
As for the site, we're still adding more and more goodies to make things a little more presentable around here. Some extra decorative touches, some additional pages, etc. We'll be holding off on the Characters page a little longer, as I've got some ideas in the works to make it look nice and pretty. We won't be announcing it, but a Contact page will be added a day or two after this update. So if you're dying to tell me something, now's your chance!
--Cody Baier

June 29, 2012
Sorry for the week off, folks! Personal issues... First, a hearty welcome to all the new readers the comic has received over the week! Second, this update is going to be part 1 of a continuous onslaught of new content! First we have 3 new pages, with more on the way (likely in the next few days) to make up for the week we missed! You'll also notice that the Archive page is up and running! With Chapter 2 getting started, anyone just tuning in can head on to the archive and start from square 1 (or page 1, rather)! Expect even more content on the horizon, and don't forget to vote for Cloudscratcher in the Top Webcomics List!
--Cody Baier

June 15, 2012
And with this week's batch of three new pages, Chapter 1 comes to a close. Stay tuned next week, as the next chapter in the saga of Cloudscratcher continues!
Also, let's all give a big hand to Sam Cosentino, the comic's colorist, who cranked out all 3 pages despite being sick as a dog. He's a real trooper, and thanks to him you all get your pages on time!
--Cody Baier

June 11, 2012
And here's that third page, folks! Stay tuned for next week's update, and the exciting conclusion to chapter 1!
--Cody Baier

June 8, 2012
This week's update is in parts! Two pages for you today, with a third page coming in a day or two. And next week's update will mark the end of Chapter 1! Stay tuned, folks!
--Cody Baier

June 3, 2012
Two new pages for all you folks! And trust me; these late updates will not be a regular thing.
--Cody Baier

May 27, 2012
A few days late, and a dollar short (a lot short, actually, considering I'm not making money from this...). Apologies, folks, but the colorist was late getting the pages to me. But never fear, 2 new pages are here for your enjoyment!
--Cody Baier

May 18, 2012
Two fresh new pages off the presses for ya! And if that wasn't enough, the FAQs and Info section is up and running as well! If you stumbled on this comic wondering what the blankity-blank is this thing, you're in luck!
--Cody Baier

May 11, 2012
And for our first update, we have three fresh, new pages for your enjoyment! Just click "COMIC" on the left-hand menu, there, to go to the first new page, and continue reading from there. The next batch of pages may or may not end up being smaller than this one, but either way, expect one of the site sections to go up along with them.
--Cody Baier

May 3, 2012
Hello, folks, and welcome to Cloudscratcher! It's been a long time coming, but the comic is finally online! As you can see, most of the sections on the site are "coming soon," and will be added as time goes on. Right now, getting the comic itself online is priority #1. Along with the other sections, the first batch of new pages will be online on May 11, with a batch of new pages added every Friday after that. How many pages will depend on how many I can get done in a week (schedule and workload permitting), but the week's worth of pages will be here for your viewing pleasure on Friday, so look forward to that! So, without further ado, enjoy the comic!
--Cody Baier